
1.7. Authors of LAMMPS

The current core LAMMPS developers are listed here (grouped by seniority and sorted alphabetically by last name). You can email an individual developer with code related questions for their area of expertise, or send an email to all of them at this address: “developers at lammps.org”. General questions about LAMMPS should be posted in the LAMMPS forum on MatSci.




Areas of expertise

Axel Kohlmeyer

Temple U

akohlmey at gmail.com

OpenMP, library interfaces, LAMMPS-GUI, GitHub, MatSci forum, code maintenance, testing, releases

Steve Plimpton

SNL (retired)

sjplimp at gmail.com

original author, MD kernels, parallel algorithms & scalability, code structure and design

Aidan Thompson


athomps at sandia.gov

manybody potentials, machine learned potentials, materials science, statistical mechanics

Richard Berger


richard.berger at outlook.com

Python, HPC, DevOps

Germain Clavier

U Caen

germain.clavier at unicaen.fr

organic molecules, polymers, mechanical properties, surfaces, integrators, coarse-graining

Joel Clemmer


jtclemm at sandia.gov

granular systems fluid/solid mechanics

Jacob R. Gissinger

Stevens Institute of Technology

jgissing at stevens.edu

reactive molecular dynamics, macro-molecular systems, type labels

James Goff


jmgoff at sandia.gov

machine learned potentials, QEq solvers, Python

Meg McCarthy


megmcca at sandia.gov

alloys, micro-structure, machine learned potentials

Stan Moore


stamoor at sandia.gov

Kokkos, KSpace solvers, ReaxFF

Trung Nguyen

U Chicago

ndactrung at gmail.com

soft matter, GPU package, DIELECTRIC package, regression testing

Past developers include Paul Crozier and Mark Stevens, both at SNL, and Ray Shan, now at Materials Design.

The Authors page of the LAMMPS website has a comprehensive list of all the individuals who have contributed code for a new feature or command or tool to LAMMPS.

The following folks deserve special recognition. Many of the packages they have written are unique for an MD code and LAMMPS would not be as general-purpose as it is without their expertise and efforts.

  • Metin Aktulga (MSU), REAXFF package for C/C++ version of ReaxFF

  • Mike Brown (Intel), GPU and INTEL packages

  • Colin Denniston (U Western Ontario), LATBOLTZ package

  • Georg Ganzenmuller (EMI), MACHDYN and SPH packages

  • Andres Jaramillo-Botero (Caltech), EFF package for electron force field

  • Reese Jones (Sandia) and colleagues, ATC package for atom/continuum coupling

  • Christoph Kloss (DCS Computing), LIGGGHTS code for granular materials, built on top of LAMMPS

  • Rudra Mukherjee (JPL), POEMS package for articulated rigid body motion

  • Trung Ngyuen (U Chicago), GPU, RIGID, BODY, and DIELECTRIC packages

  • Mike Parks (Sandia), PERI package for Peridynamics

  • Roy Pollock (LLNL), Ewald and PPPM solvers

  • Julien Tranchida (CEA Cadarache), SPIN package

  • Christian Trott (Sandia), CUDA and KOKKOS packages

  • Ilya Valuev (JIHT), AWPMD package for wave packet MD

  • Greg Wagner (Northwestern U), MEAM package for MEAM potential

As discussed on the History page of the website, LAMMPS originated as a cooperative project between DOE labs and industrial partners. Folks involved in the design and testing of the original version of LAMMPS were the following:

  • John Carpenter (Mayo Clinic, formerly at Cray Research)

  • Terry Stouch (Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, formerly at Bristol Myers Squibb)

  • Steve Lustig (Dupont)

  • Jim Belak and Roy Pollock (LLNL)