
2.4. The lammps Python module

The LAMMPS Python interface is implemented as a module called lammps which is defined in the lammps package in the python folder of the LAMMPS source code distribution. After compilation of LAMMPS, the module can be installed into a Python system folder or a user folder with make install-python. Components of the module can then loaded into a Python session with the import command.


Alternative interfaces such as PyLammps and IPyLammps classes have been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of LAMMPS.

Version check

The lammps module stores the version number of the LAMMPS version it is installed from. When initializing the lammps class, this version is checked to be the same as the result from lammps.version(), the version of the LAMMPS shared library that the module interfaces to. If the they are not the same an AttributeError exception is raised since a mismatch of versions (e.g. due to incorrect use of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or PYTHONPATH environment variables can lead to crashes or data corruption and otherwise incorrect behavior.

LAMMPS module global members:


Numerical representation of the LAMMPS version this module was taken from. Has the same format as the result of lammps.version().

2.4.1. The lammps class API

The lammps class is the core of the LAMMPS Python interface. It is a wrapper around the LAMMPS C library API using the Python ctypes module and a shared library compiled from the LAMMPS sources code. The individual methods in this class try to closely follow the corresponding C functions. The handle argument that needs to be passed to the C functions is stored internally in the class and automatically added when calling the C library functions. Below is a detailed documentation of the API.

class lammps.lammps(name='', cmdargs=None, ptr=None, comm=None)

Create an instance of the LAMMPS Python class.

This is a Python wrapper class that exposes the LAMMPS C-library interface to Python. It either requires that LAMMPS has been compiled as shared library which is then dynamically loaded via the ctypes Python module or that this module called from a Python function that is called from a Python interpreter embedded into a LAMMPS executable, for example through the python invoke command. When the class is instantiated it calls the lammps_open() function of the LAMMPS C-library interface, which in turn will create an instance of the LAMMPS C++ class. The handle to this C++ class is stored internally and automatically passed to the calls to the C library interface.

  • name (string) – “machine” name of the shared LAMMPS library (“mpi” loads liblammps_mpi.so, “” loads liblammps.so)

  • cmdargs (list) – list of command line arguments to be passed to the lammps_open() function. The executable name is automatically added.

  • ptr (pointer) – pointer to a LAMMPS C++ class instance when called from an embedded Python interpreter. None means load symbols from shared library.

  • comm (MPI_Comm) – MPI communicator (as provided by mpi4py). None means use MPI_COMM_WORLD implicitly.

property numpy

Return object to access numpy versions of API

It provides alternative implementations of API functions that return numpy arrays instead of ctypes pointers. If numpy is not installed, accessing this property will lead to an ImportError.


instance of numpy wrapper object

Return type:


property cmd

Return object that acts as LAMMPS command wrapper

It provides alternative to lammps.command() to call LAMMPS commands as if they were regular Python functions and enables auto-complete in interactive Python sessions.

from lammps import lammps

# melt example
L = lammps()
L.cmd.lattice("fcc", 0.8442)
L.cmd.region("box block", 0, 10, 0, 10, 0, 10)
L.cmd.create_box(1, "box")
L.cmd.create_atoms(1, "box")
L.cmd.mass(1, 1.0)
L.cmd.velocity("all create", 3.0, 87287, "loop geom")
L.cmd.pair_style("lj/cut", 2.5)
L.cmd.pair_coeff(1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 2.5)
L.cmd.neighbor(0.3, "bin")
L.cmd.neigh_modify(every=20, delay=0, check=False)
L.cmd.fix(1, "all nve")

instance of command_wrapper object

Return type:


property ipython

Return object to access ipython extensions

Adds commands for visualization in IPython and Jupyter Notebooks.


instance of ipython wrapper object

Return type:



Explicitly delete a LAMMPS instance through the C-library interface.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_close() function of the C-library interface.


Shut down the MPI communication and Kokkos environment (if active) through the library interface by calling lammps_mpi_finalize() and lammps_kokkos_finalize().

You cannot create or use any LAMMPS instances after this function is called unless LAMMPS was compiled without MPI and without Kokkos support.

error(error_type, error_text)

Forward error to the LAMMPS Error class.

Added in version 3Nov2022.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_error() function of the C-library interface.

  • error_type (int)

  • error_text (string)


Return a numerical representation of the LAMMPS version in use.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_version() function of the C-library interface.


version number

Return type:



Return a string with information about the OS and compiler runtime

This is a wrapper around the lammps_get_os_info() function of the C-library interface.


OS info string

Return type:



Get the MPI communicator in use by the current LAMMPS instance

This is a wrapper around the lammps_get_mpi_comm() function of the C-library interface. It will return None if either the LAMMPS library was compiled without MPI support or the mpi4py Python module is not available.


MPI communicator

Return type:



Expand a single LAMMPS string like an input line

This is a wrapper around the lammps_expand() function of the C-library interface.


cmd (string) – a single lammps line


expanded string

Return type:



Read LAMMPS commands from a file.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_file() function of the C-library interface. It will open the file with the name/path file and process the LAMMPS commands line by line until the end. The function will return when the end of the file is reached.


path (string) – Name of the file/path with LAMMPS commands


Process a single LAMMPS input command from a string.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_command() function of the C-library interface.


cmd (string) – a single lammps command


Process multiple LAMMPS input commands from a list of strings.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_commands_list() function of the C-library interface.


cmdlist (list of strings) – a single lammps command


Process a block of LAMMPS input commands from a string.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_commands_string() function of the C-library interface.


multicmd (string) – text block of lammps commands


Get the total number of atoms in the LAMMPS instance.

Will be precise up to 53-bit signed integer due to the underlying lammps_get_natoms() function returning a double.


number of atoms

Return type:



Extract simulation box parameters

This is a wrapper around the lammps_extract_box() function of the C-library interface. Unlike in the C function, the result is returned as a list.


list of the extracted data: boxlo, boxhi, xy, yz, xz, periodicity, box_change

Return type:

[ 3*double, 3*double, double, double, 3*int, int]

reset_box(boxlo, boxhi, xy, yz, xz)

Reset simulation box parameters

This is a wrapper around the lammps_reset_box() function of the C-library interface.

  • boxlo (list of 3 floating point numbers) – new lower box boundaries

  • boxhi (list of 3 floating point numbers) – new upper box boundaries

  • xy (float) – xy tilt factor

  • yz (float) – yz tilt factor

  • xz (float) – xz tilt factor


Get current value of a thermo keyword

This is a wrapper around the lammps_get_thermo() function of the C-library interface.


name (string) – name of thermo keyword


value of thermo keyword

Return type:

double or None

property last_thermo_step

Get the last timestep where thermodynamic data was computed


the timestep or a negative number if there has not been any thermo output yet

Return type:



Get a dictionary of the last thermodynamic output

This is a wrapper around the lammps_last_thermo() function of the C-library interface. It collects the cached thermo data from the last timestep into a dictionary. The return value is None, if there has not been any thermo output yet.


a dictionary containing the last computed thermo output values

Return type:

dict or None


Query LAMMPS about global settings that can be expressed as an integer.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_extract_setting() function of the C-library interface. Its documentation includes a list of the supported keywords.


name (string) – name of the setting


value of the setting

Return type:



Retrieve global property datatype from LAMMPS

This is a wrapper around the lammps_extract_global_datatype() function of the C-library interface. Its documentation includes a list of the supported keywords. This function returns None if the keyword is not recognized. Otherwise it will return a positive integer value that corresponds to one of the data type constants defined in the lammps module.


name (string) – name of the property


data type of global property, see Data Types

Return type:


extract_global(name, dtype=None)

Query LAMMPS about global settings of different types.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_extract_global() function of the C-library interface. Since there are no pointers in Python, this method will - unlike the C function - return the value or a list of values. The lammps_extract_global() documentation includes a list of the supported keywords and their data types. Since Python needs to know the data type to be able to interpret the result, by default, this function will try to auto-detect the data type by asking the library. You can also force a specific data type. For that purpose the lammps module contains data type constants. This function returns None if either the keyword is not recognized, or an invalid data type constant is used.

  • name (string) – name of the property

  • dtype (int, optional) – data type of the returned data (see Data Types)


value of the property or list of values or None

Return type:

int, float, list, or NoneType


Retrieve pair style property dimensionality from LAMMPS

Added in version 29Aug2024.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_extract_pair_dimension() function of the C-library interface. The list of supported keywords depends on the pair style. This function returns None if the keyword is not recognized.


name (string) – name of the property


dimensionality of the extractable data (typically 0, 1, or 2)

Return type:



Extract pair style data from LAMMPS.

Added in version 29Aug2024.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_extract_pair() function of the C-library interface. Since there are no pointers in Python, this method will - unlike the C function - return the value or a list of values. Since Python needs to know the dimensionality to be able to interpret the result, this function will detect the dimensionality by asking the library. This function returns None if the keyword is not recognized.


name (string) – name of the property


value of the property or list of values or None

Return type:

float, list of float, list of list of floats, or NoneType


Map a global atom ID (aka tag) to the local atom index

This is a wrapper around the lammps_map_atom() function of the C-library interface.


id (int) – atom ID


local index

Return type:



Retrieve per-atom property datatype from LAMMPS

This is a wrapper around the lammps_extract_atom_datatype() function of the C-library interface. Its documentation includes a list of the supported keywords. This function returns None if the keyword is not recognized. Otherwise it will return an integer value that corresponds to one of the data type constants defined in the lammps module.


name (string) – name of the property


data type of per-atom property (see Data Types)

Return type:


extract_atom_size(name, dtype)

Retrieve per-atom property dimensions from LAMMPS

This is a wrapper around the lammps_extract_atom_size() function of the C-library interface. Its documentation includes a list of the supported keywords. This function returns None if the keyword is not recognized. Otherwise it will return an integer value with the size of the per-atom vector or array. If name corresponds to a per-atom array, the dtype keyword must be either LMP_SIZE_ROWS or LMP_SIZE_COLS from the type constants defined in the lammps module. The return value is the requested size. If name corresponds to a per-atom vector the dtype keyword is ignored.

  • name (string) – name of the property

  • type (int) – either LMP_SIZE_ROWS or LMP_SIZE_COLS for arrays, otherwise ignored


data type of per-atom property (see Data Types)

Return type:


extract_atom(name, dtype=None)

Retrieve per-atom properties from LAMMPS

This is a wrapper around the lammps_extract_atom() function of the C-library interface. Its documentation includes a list of the supported keywords and their data types. Since Python needs to know the data type to be able to interpret the result, by default, this function will try to auto-detect the data type by asking the library. You can also force a specific data type by setting dtype to one of the data type constants defined in the lammps module. This function returns None if either the keyword is not recognized, or an invalid data type constant is used.


While the returned vectors or arrays of per-atom data are dimensioned for the range [0:nmax] - as is the underlying storage - the data is usually only valid for the range of [0:nlocal], unless the property of interest is also updated for ghost atoms. In some cases, this depends on a LAMMPS setting, see for example comm_modify vel yes. The actual size can be determined by calling py:meth:extract_atom_size() <lammps.lammps.extract_atom_size>.

  • name (string) – name of the property

  • dtype (int, optional) – data type of the returned data (see Data Types)


requested data or None

Return type:

ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32)), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int64)), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)), or NoneType

extract_compute(cid, cstyle, ctype)

Retrieve data from a LAMMPS compute

This is a wrapper around the lammps_extract_compute() function of the C-library interface. This function returns None if either the compute id is not recognized, or an invalid combination of cstyle and ctype constants is used. The names and functionality of the constants are the same as for the corresponding C-library function. For requests to return a scalar or a size, the value is returned, otherwise a pointer.

  • cid (string) – compute ID

  • cstyle (int) – style of the data retrieve (global, atom, or local), see Style Constants

  • ctype (int) – type or size of the returned data (scalar, vector, or array), see Type Constants


requested data as scalar, pointer to 1d or 2d double array, or None

Return type:

c_double, ctypes.POINTER(c_double), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(c_double)), or NoneType

extract_fix(fid, fstyle, ftype, nrow=0, ncol=0)

Retrieve data from a LAMMPS fix

This is a wrapper around the lammps_extract_fix() function of the C-library interface. This function returns None if either the fix id is not recognized, or an invalid combination of fstyle and ftype constants is used. The names and functionality of the constants are the same as for the corresponding C-library function. For requests to return a scalar or a size, the value is returned, also when accessing global vectors or arrays, otherwise a pointer.


When requesting global data, the fix data can only be accessed one item at a time without access to the whole vector or array. Thus this function will always return a scalar. To access vector or array elements the “nrow” and “ncol” arguments need to be set accordingly (they default to 0).

  • fid (string) – fix ID

  • fstyle (int) – style of the data retrieve (global, atom, or local), see Style Constants

  • ftype (int) – type or size of the returned data (scalar, vector, or array), see Type Constants

  • nrow (int) – index of global vector element or row index of global array element

  • ncol (int) – column index of global array element


requested data or None

Return type:

c_double, ctypes.POINTER(c_double), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.POINTER(c_double)), or NoneType

extract_variable(name, group=None, vartype=None)

Evaluate a LAMMPS variable and return its data

This function is a wrapper around the function lammps_extract_variable() of the C library interface, evaluates variable name and returns a copy of the computed data. The memory temporarily allocated by the C-interface is deleted after the data is copied to a Python variable or list. The variable must be either an equal-style (or equivalent) variable or an atom-style variable. The variable type can be provided as the vartype parameter, which may be one of several constants: LMP_VAR_EQUAL, LMP_VAR_ATOM, LMP_VAR_VECTOR, or LMP_VAR_STRING. If omitted or None, LAMMPS will determine its value for you based on a call to lammps_extract_variable_datatype() from the C library interface. The group parameter is only used for atom-style variables and defaults to the group “all”.

  • name (string) – name of the variable to execute

  • group (string, only for atom-style variables) – name of group for atom-style variable

  • vartype (int) – type of variable, see Variable Type Constants


the requested data

Return type:

c_double, (c_double), or NoneType


Flush output buffers

This is a wrapper around the lammps_flush_buffers() function of the C-library interface.

set_variable(name, value)

Set a new value for a LAMMPS string style variable

Deprecated since version 7Feb2024.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_set_variable() function of the C-library interface.

  • name (string) – name of the variable

  • value (any. will be converted to a string) – new variable value


either 0 on success or -1 on failure

Return type:


set_string_variable(name, value)

Set a new value for a LAMMPS string style variable

Added in version 7Feb2024.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_set_string_variable() function of the C-library interface.

  • name (string) – name of the variable

  • value (any. will be converted to a string) – new variable value


either 0 on success or -1 on failure

Return type:


set_internal_variable(name, value)

Set a new value for a LAMMPS internal style variable

Added in version 7Feb2024.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_set_internal_variable() function of the C-library interface.

  • name (string) – name of the variable

  • value (float or compatible. will be converted to float) – new variable value


either 0 on success or -1 on failure

Return type:



Evaluate a LAMMPS immediate variable expression

Added in version 4Feb2025.

This function is a wrapper around the function lammps_eval() of the C library interface. It evaluates and expression like in immediate variables and returns the value.


expr – immediate variable expression


the result of the evaluation

Return type:



Retrieve global list of bonds

Added in version 28Jul2021.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_gather_bonds() function of the C-library interface.

This function returns a tuple with the number of bonds and a flat list of ctypes integer values with the bond type, bond atom1, bond atom2 for each bond.


a tuple with the number of bonds and a list of c_int or c_long

Return type:

(int, 3*nbonds*c_tagint)


Retrieve global list of angles

Added in version 8Feb2023.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_gather_angles() function of the C-library interface.

This function returns a tuple with the number of angles and a flat list of ctypes integer values with the angle type, angle atom1, angle atom2, angle atom3 for each angle.


a tuple with the number of angles and a list of c_int or c_long

Return type:

(int, 4*nangles*c_tagint)


Retrieve global list of dihedrals

Added in version 8Feb2023.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_gather_dihedrals() function of the C-library interface.

This function returns a tuple with the number of dihedrals and a flat list of ctypes integer values with the dihedral type, dihedral atom1, dihedral atom2, dihedral atom3, dihedral atom4 for each dihedral.


a tuple with the number of dihedrals and a list of c_int or c_long

Return type:

(int, 5*ndihedrals*c_tagint)


Retrieve global list of impropers

Added in version 8Feb2023.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_gather_impropers() function of the C-library interface.

This function returns a tuple with the number of impropers and a flat list of ctypes integer values with the improper type, improper atom1, improper atom2, improper atom3, improper atom4 for each improper.


a tuple with the number of impropers and a list of c_int or c_long

Return type:

(int, 5*nimpropers*c_tagint)

encode_image_flags(ix, iy, iz)

convert 3 integers with image flags for x-, y-, and z-direction into a single integer like it is used internally in LAMMPS

This method is a wrapper around the lammps_encode_image_flags() function of library interface.

  • ix (int) – x-direction image flag

  • iy (int) – y-direction image flag

  • iz (int) – z-direction image flag


encoded image flags

Return type:



Convert encoded image flag integer into list of three regular integers.

This method is a wrapper around the lammps_decode_image_flags() function of library interface.


image (lammps.c_imageint) – encoded image flags


list of three image flags in x-, y-, and z- direction

Return type:

list of 3 int

create_atoms(n, id, type, x, v=None, image=None, shrinkexceed=False)

Create N atoms from list of coordinates and properties

This function is a wrapper around the lammps_create_atoms() function of the C-library interface, and the behavior is similar except that the v, image, and shrinkexceed arguments are optional and default to None, None, and False, respectively. With None being equivalent to a NULL pointer in C.

The lists of coordinates, types, atom IDs, velocities, image flags can be provided in any format that may be converted into the required internal data types. Also the list may contain more than N entries, but not fewer. In the latter case, the function will return without attempting to create atoms. You may use the encode_image_flags method to properly combine three integers with image flags into a single integer.

  • n (int) – number of atoms for which data is provided

  • id (list of lammps.tagint) – list of atom IDs with at least n elements or None

  • type (list of int) – list of atom types

  • x (list of float) – list of coordinates for x-, y-, and z (flat list of 3n entries)

  • v (list of float) – list of velocities for x-, y-, and z (flat list of 3n entries) or None (optional)

  • image (list of lammps.imageint) – list of encoded image flags (optional)

  • shrinkexceed (bool) – whether to expand shrink-wrap boundaries if atoms are outside the box (optional)


number of atoms created. 0 if insufficient or invalid data

Return type:


property has_mpi_support

Report whether the LAMMPS shared library was compiled with a real MPI library or in serial.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_config_has_mpi_support() function of the library interface.


False when compiled with MPI STUBS, otherwise True

Return type:


property is_running

Report whether being called from a function during a run or a minimization

Added in version 9Oct2020.

Various LAMMPS commands must not be called during an ongoing run or minimization. This property allows to check for that. This is a wrapper around the lammps_is_running() function of the library interface.


True when called during a run otherwise false

Return type:



Trigger an immediate timeout, i.e. a “soft stop” of a run.

Added in version 9Oct2020.

This function allows to cleanly stop an ongoing run or minimization at the next loop iteration. This is a wrapper around the lammps_force_timeout() function of the library interface.

property has_exceptions

Report whether the LAMMPS shared library was compiled with C++ exceptions handling enabled

This is a wrapper around the lammps_config_has_exceptions() function of the library interface.


state of C++ exception support

Return type:


property has_gzip_support

Report whether the LAMMPS shared library was compiled with support for reading and writing compressed files through gzip.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_config_has_gzip_support() function of the library interface.


state of gzip support

Return type:


property has_png_support

Report whether the LAMMPS shared library was compiled with support for writing images in PNG format.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_config_has_png_support() function of the library interface.


state of PNG support

Return type:


property has_jpeg_support

Report whether the LAMMPS shared library was compiled with support for writing images in JPEG format.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_config_has_jpeg_support() function of the library interface.


state of JPEG support

Return type:


property has_ffmpeg_support

State of support for writing movies with ffmpeg in the LAMMPS shared library

This is a wrapper around the lammps_config_has_ffmpeg_support() function of the library interface.


state of ffmpeg support

Return type:


property has_curl_support

Report whether the LAMMPS shared library was compiled with support for downloading files through libcurl.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_config_has_curl_support() function of the library interface.


state of CURL support

Return type:



Report if the named package has been enabled in the LAMMPS shared library.

Added in version 3Nov2022.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_config_has_package() function of the library interface.


name (string) – name of the package


state of package availability

Return type:


property accelerator_config

Return table with available accelerator configuration settings.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_config_accelerator() function of the library interface which loops over all known packages and categories and returns enabled features as a nested dictionary with all enabled settings as list of strings.


nested dictionary with all known enabled settings as list of strings

Return type:


property has_gpu_device

Availability of GPU package compatible device

This is a wrapper around the lammps_has_gpu_device() function of the C library interface.


True if a GPU package compatible device is present, otherwise False

Return type:



Return a string with detailed information about any devices that are usable by the GPU package.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_get_gpu_device_info() function of the C-library interface.


GPU device info string

Return type:


property installed_packages

List of the names of enabled packages in the LAMMPS shared library

This is a wrapper around the functions lammps_config_package_count() and lammps_config_package_name() of the library interface.


has_style(category, name)

Returns whether a given style name is available in a given category

This is a wrapper around the function lammps_has_style() of the library interface.

  • category (string) – name of category

  • name (string) – name of the style


true if style is available in given category

Return type:



Returns a list of styles available for a given category

This is a wrapper around the functions lammps_style_count() and lammps_style_name() of the library interface.


category (string) – name of category


list of style names in given category

Return type:


has_id(category, name)

Returns whether a given ID name is available in a given category

Added in version 9Oct2020.

This is a wrapper around the function lammps_has_id() of the library interface.

  • category (string) – name of category

  • name (string) – name of the ID


true if ID is available in given category

Return type:



Returns a list of IDs available for a given category

Added in version 9Oct2020.

This is a wrapper around the functions lammps_id_count() and lammps_id_name() of the library interface.


category (string) – name of category


list of id names in given category

Return type:



Returns a list of plugins available for a given category

Added in version 10Mar2021.

This is a wrapper around the functions lammps_plugin_count() and lammps_plugin_name() of the library interface.


list of style/name pairs of loaded plugins

Return type:


set_fix_external_callback(fix_id, callback, caller=None)

Set the callback function for a fix external instance with a given fix ID.

Optionally also set a reference to the calling object.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_set_fix_external_callback() function of the C-library interface. However this is set up to call a Python function with the following arguments.

  • object is the value of the “caller” argument

  • ntimestep is the current timestep

  • nlocal is the number of local atoms on the current MPI process

  • tag is a 1d NumPy array of integers representing the atom IDs of the local atoms

  • x is a 2d NumPy array of doubles of the coordinates of the local atoms

  • f is a 2d NumPy array of doubles of the forces on the local atoms that will be added

Changed in version 28Jul2021.

  • fix_id – Fix-ID of a fix external instance

  • callback – Python function that will be called from fix external

  • caller – reference to some object passed to the callback function






object, optional


Get access to the array with per-atom forces of a fix external instance with a given fix ID.

Added in version 28Jul2021.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_fix_external_get_force() function of the C-library interface.


fix_id – Fix-ID of a fix external instance




requested data

Return type:


fix_external_set_energy_global(fix_id, eng)

Set the global energy contribution for a fix external instance with the given ID.

Added in version 28Jul2021.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_fix_external_set_energy_global() function of the C-library interface.

  • fix_id – Fix-ID of a fix external instance

  • eng – potential energy value to be added by fix external





fix_external_set_virial_global(fix_id, virial)

Set the global virial contribution for a fix external instance with the given ID.

Added in version 28Jul2021.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_fix_external_set_virial_global() function of the C-library interface.

  • fix_id – Fix-ID of a fix external instance

  • eng – list of 6 floating point numbers with the virial to be added by fix external





fix_external_set_energy_peratom(fix_id, eatom)

Set the per-atom energy contribution for a fix external instance with the given ID.

Added in version 28Jul2021.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_fix_external_set_energy_peratom() function of the C-library interface.

  • fix_id – Fix-ID of a fix external instance

  • eatom – list of potential energy values for local atoms to be added by fix external





fix_external_set_virial_peratom(fix_id, vatom)

Set the per-atom virial contribution for a fix external instance with the given ID.

Added in version 28Jul2021.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_fix_external_set_virial_peratom() function of the C-library interface.

  • fix_id – Fix-ID of a fix external instance

  • vatom – list of natoms lists with 6 floating point numbers to be added by fix external





fix_external_set_vector_length(fix_id, length)

Set the vector length for a global vector stored with fix external for analysis

Added in version 28Jul2021.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_fix_external_set_vector_length() function of the C-library interface.

  • fix_id – Fix-ID of a fix external instance

  • length – length of the global vector





fix_external_set_vector(fix_id, idx, val)

Store a global vector value for a fix external instance with the given ID.

Added in version 28Jul2021.

This is a wrapper around the lammps_fix_external_set_vector() function of the C-library interface.

  • fix_id – Fix-ID of a fix external instance

  • idx – 1-based index of the value in the global vector

  • val – value to be stored in the global vector








Returns an instance of NeighList which wraps access to the neighbor list with the given index

See lammps.numpy.get_neighlist() if you want to use NumPy arrays instead of c_int pointers.


idx (int) – index of neighbor list


an instance of NeighList wrapping access to neighbor list data

Return type:



Return the number of elements in neighbor list with the given index


idx (int) – neighbor list index


number of elements in neighbor list with index idx

Return type:


get_neighlist_element_neighbors(idx, element)

Return data of neighbor list entry

  • element (int) – neighbor list index

  • element – neighbor list element index


tuple with atom local index, number of neighbors and array of neighbor local atom indices

Return type:

(int, int, POINTER(c_int))

find_pair_neighlist(style, exact=True, nsub=0, reqid=0)

Find neighbor list index of pair style neighbor list

Search for a neighbor list requested by a pair style instance that matches “style”. If exact is True, the pair style name must match exactly. If exact is False, the pair style name is matched against “style” as regular expression or sub-string. If the pair style is a hybrid pair style, the style is instead matched against the hybrid sub-styles. If the same pair style is used as sub-style multiple types, you must set nsub to a value n > 0 which indicates the nth instance of that sub-style to be used (same as for the pair_coeff command). The default value of 0 will fail to match in that case.

Once the pair style instance has been identified, it may have requested multiple neighbor lists. Those are uniquely identified by a request ID > 0 as set by the pair style. Otherwise the request ID is 0.

  • style (string) – name of pair style that should be searched for

  • exact (bool, optional) – controls whether style should match exactly or only must be contained in pair style name, defaults to True

  • nsub (int, optional) – match nsub-th hybrid sub-style, defaults to 0

  • reqid (int, optional) – list request id, > 0 in case there are more than one, defaults to 0


neighbor list index if found, otherwise -1

Return type:


find_fix_neighlist(fixid, reqid=0)

Find neighbor list index of fix neighbor list

The fix instance requesting the neighbor list is uniquely identified by the fix ID. In case the fix has requested multiple neighbor lists, those are uniquely identified by a request ID > 0 as set by the fix. Otherwise the request ID is 0 (the default).

  • fixid (string) – name of fix

  • reqid (int, optional) – id of neighbor list request, in case there are more than one request, defaults to 0


neighbor list index if found, otherwise -1

Return type:


find_compute_neighlist(computeid, reqid=0)

Find neighbor list index of compute neighbor list

The compute instance requesting the neighbor list is uniquely identified by the compute ID. In case the compute has requested multiple neighbor lists, those are uniquely identified by a request ID > 0 as set by the compute. Otherwise the request ID is 0 (the default).

  • computeid (string) – name of compute

  • reqid (int, optional) – index of neighbor list request, in case there are more than one request, defaults to 0


neighbor list index if found, otherwise -1

Return type:


class lammps.numpy_wrapper.numpy_wrapper(lmp)

lammps API NumPy Wrapper

This is a wrapper class that provides additional methods on top of an existing lammps instance. The methods transform raw ctypes pointers into NumPy arrays, which give direct access to the original data while protecting against out-of-bounds accesses.

There is no need to explicitly instantiate this class. Each instance of lammps has a numpy property that returns an instance.


lmp (lammps) – instance of the lammps class

extract_atom(name, dtype=None, nelem=None, dim=None)

Retrieve per-atom properties from LAMMPS as NumPy arrays

This is a wrapper around the lammps.extract_atom() method. It behaves the same as the original method, but returns NumPy arrays instead of ctypes pointers.


The returned vectors or arrays of per-atom data are dimensioned according to the return value of lammps.extract_atom_size(). Except for the “mass” property, the underlying storage will always be dimensioned for the range [0:nmax]. The actual usable data may be only in the range [0:nlocal] or [0:nlocal][0:dim]. Whether there is valid data in the range [nlocal:nlocal+nghost] or [nlocal:local+nghost][0:dim] depends on whether the property of interest is also updated for ghost atoms. Also the value of dim depends on the value of name. By using the optional nelem and dim parameters the dimensions of the returned NumPy array can be overridden. There is no check whether the number of elements chosen is valid.

  • name (string) – name of the property

  • dtype (int, optional) – type of the returned data (see Data Types)

  • nelem (int, optional) – number of elements in array

  • dim (int, optional) – dimension of each element


requested data as NumPy array with direct access to C data or None

Return type:

numpy.array or NoneType

extract_compute(cid, cstyle, ctype)

Retrieve data from a LAMMPS compute

This is a wrapper around the lammps.extract_compute() method. It behaves the same as the original method, but returns NumPy arrays instead of ctypes pointers.

  • cid (string) – compute ID

  • cstyle (int) – style of the data retrieve (global, atom, or local), see Style Constants

  • ctype (int) – type of the returned data (scalar, vector, or array), see Type Constants


requested data either as float, as NumPy array with direct access to C data, or None

Return type:

float, numpy.array, or NoneType

extract_fix(fid, fstyle, ftype, nrow=0, ncol=0)

Retrieve data from a LAMMPS fix

This is a wrapper around the lammps.extract_fix() method. It behaves the same as the original method, but returns NumPy arrays instead of ctypes pointers.


When requesting global data, the fix data can only be accessed one item at a time without access to the whole vector or array. Thus this function will always return a scalar. To access vector or array elements the “nrow” and “ncol” arguments need to be set accordingly (they default to 0).

  • fid (string) – fix ID

  • fstyle (int) – style of the data retrieve (global, atom, or local), see Style Constants

  • ftype (int) – type or size of the returned data (scalar, vector, or array), see Type Constants

  • nrow (int) – index of global vector element or row index of global array element

  • ncol (int) – column index of global array element


requested data

Return type:

integer or double value, pointer to 1d or 2d double array or None

extract_variable(name, group=None, vartype=0)

Evaluate a LAMMPS variable and return its data

This function is a wrapper around the function lammps.extract_variable() method. It behaves the same as the original method, but returns NumPy arrays instead of ctypes pointers.

  • name (string) – name of the variable to execute

  • group (string) – name of group for atom-style variable (ignored for equal-style variables)

  • vartype (int) – type of variable, see Variable Type Constants


the requested data or None

Return type:

c_double, numpy.array, or NoneType


Retrieve global list of bonds as a NumPy array

Added in version 28Jul2021.

This is a wrapper around lammps.gather_bonds(). It behaves the same as the original method, but returns a NumPy array instead of a ctypes list.


the requested data as a 2d-integer numpy array

Return type:



Retrieve global list of angles as a NumPy array

Added in version 8Feb2023.

This is a wrapper around lammps.gather_angles(). It behaves the same as the original method, but returns a NumPy array instead of a ctypes list.


the requested data as a 2d-integer numpy array

Return type:



Retrieve global list of dihedrals as a NumPy array

Added in version 8Feb2023.

This is a wrapper around lammps.gather_dihedrals(). It behaves the same as the original method, but returns a NumPy array instead of a ctypes list.


the requested data as a 2d-integer numpy array

Return type:



Retrieve global list of impropers as a NumPy array

Added in version 8Feb2023.

This is a wrapper around lammps.gather_impropers(). It behaves the same as the original method, but returns a NumPy array instead of a ctypes list.


the requested data as a 2d-integer numpy array

Return type:



Get access to the array with per-atom forces of a fix external instance with a given fix ID.

Changed in version 28Jul2021.

This function is a wrapper around the lammps.fix_external_get_force() method. It behaves the same as the original method, but returns a NumPy array instead of a ctypes pointer.


fix_id – Fix-ID of a fix external instance




requested data

Return type:


fix_external_set_energy_peratom(fix_id, eatom)

Set the per-atom energy contribution for a fix external instance with the given ID.

Added in version 28Jul2021.

This function is an alternative to lammps.fix_external_set_energy_peratom() method. It behaves the same as the original method, but accepts a NumPy array instead of a list as argument.

  • fix_id – Fix-ID of a fix external instance

  • eatom – per-atom potential energy





fix_external_set_virial_peratom(fix_id, vatom)

Set the per-atom virial contribution for a fix external instance with the given ID.

Added in version 28Jul2021.

This function is an alternative to lammps.fix_external_set_virial_peratom() method. It behaves the same as the original method, but accepts a NumPy array instead of a list as argument.

  • fix_id – Fix-ID of a fix external instance

  • eatom – per-atom potential energy






Returns an instance of NumPyNeighList which wraps access to the neighbor list with the given index


idx (int) – index of neighbor list


an instance of NumPyNeighList wrapping access to neighbor list data

Return type:


get_neighlist_element_neighbors(idx, element)

Return data of neighbor list entry

This function is a wrapper around the function lammps.get_neighlist_element_neighbors() method. It behaves the same as the original method, but returns a NumPy array containing the neighbors instead of a ctypes pointer.

  • element (int) – neighbor list index

  • element – neighbor list element index


tuple with atom local index and numpy array of neighbor local atom indices

Return type:

(int, numpy.array)

class lammps.ipython.wrapper(lmp)

lammps API IPython Wrapper

This is a wrapper class that provides additional methods on top of an existing lammps instance. It provides additional methods that allow create and/or embed visualizations created by native LAMMPS commands.

There is no need to explicitly instantiate this class. Each instance of lammps has a ipython property that returns an instance.


lmp (lammps) – instance of the lammps class

image(filename='snapshot.png', group='all', color='type', diameter='type', size=None, view=None, center=None, up=None, zoom=1.0, background_color='white')

Generate image using write_dump command and display it

See dump image for more information.

  • filename (string) – Name of the image file that should be generated. The extension determines whether it is PNG or JPEG

  • group (string) – the group of atoms write_image should use

  • color (string) – name of property used to determine color

  • diameter (string) – name of property used to determine atom diameter

  • size (tuple (width, height)) – dimensions of image

  • view (tuple (theta, phi)) – view parameters

  • center (tuple (flag, center_x, center_y, center_z)) – center parameters

  • up (tuple (up_x, up_y, up_z)) – vector pointing to up direction

  • zoom (float) – zoom factor

  • background_color (string) – background color of scene


Image instance used to display image in notebook

Return type:



Load video from file

Can be used to visualize videos from dump movie.


filename (string) – Path to video file


HTML Video Tag used by notebook to embed a video

Return type:


2.4.2. Additional components of the lammps module

The lammps module additionally contains several constants and the NeighList class:

Data Types


Constants in the lammps module to indicate how to cast data when the C library function returns a void pointer. Used in lammps.extract_global() and lammps.extract_atom(). See _LMP_DATATYPE_CONST for the equivalent constants in the C library interface.

Style Constants


Constants in the lammps module to select what style of data to request from computes or fixes. See _LMP_STYLE_CONST for the equivalent constants in the C library interface. Used in lammps.extract_compute(), lammps.extract_fix(), and their NumPy variants lammps.numpy.extract_compute() and lammps.numpy.extract_fix().

Type Constants


Constants in the lammps module to select what type of data to request from computes or fixes. See _LMP_TYPE_CONST for the equivalent constants in the C library interface. Used in lammps.extract_compute(), lammps.extract_fix(), and their NumPy variants lammps.numpy.extract_compute() and lammps.numpy.extract_fix().

Variable Type Constants


Constants in the lammps module to select what type of variable to query when calling lammps.extract_variable(). See also: variable command.

Classes representing internal objects

class lammps.NeighList(lmp, idx)

This is a wrapper class that exposes the contents of a neighbor list.

It can be used like a regular Python list. Each element is a tuple of:

  • the atom local index

  • its number of neighbors

  • and a pointer to an c_int array containing local atom indices of its neighbors

Internally it uses the lower-level LAMMPS C-library interface.

  • lmp (lammps) – reference to instance of lammps

  • idx (int) – neighbor list index

property size

number of elements in neighbor list


Access a specific neighbor list entry. “element” must be a number from 0 to the size-1 of the list


tuple with atom local index, number of neighbors and ctypes pointer to neighbor’s local atom indices

Return type:

(int, int, ctypes.POINTER(c_int))


Find the neighbor list for a specific (local) atom iatom. If there is no list for iatom, (-1, None) is returned.


tuple with number of neighbors and ctypes pointer to neighbor’s local atom indices

Return type:

(int, ctypes.POINTER(c_int))

class lammps.numpy_wrapper.NumPyNeighList(lmp, idx)

This is a wrapper class that exposes the contents of a neighbor list.

It can be used like a regular Python list. Each element is a tuple of:

  • the atom local index

  • a NumPy array containing the local atom indices of its neighbors

Internally it uses the lower-level LAMMPS C-library interface.

  • lmp (lammps) – reference to instance of lammps

  • idx (int) – neighbor list index


Access a specific neighbor list entry. “element” must be a number from 0 to the size-1 of the list


tuple with atom local index, numpy array of neighbor local atom indices

Return type:

(int, numpy.array)


Find the neighbor list for a specific (local) atom iatom. If there is no list for iatom, None is returned.


numpy array of neighbor local atom indices

Return type:

numpy.array or None