3.7. Packages with extra build options
When building with some packages, additional steps may be required, in addition to
CMake build |
Traditional make |
cmake -D PKG_NAME=yes
make yes-name
as described on the Build_package page.
For a CMake build there may be additional optional or required variables to set. For a build with make, a provided library under the lammps/lib directory may need to be built first. Or an external library may need to exist on your system or be downloaded and built. You may need to tell LAMMPS where it is found on your system.
This is the list of packages that may require additional steps.
3.7.1. COMPRESS package
To build with this package you must have the zlib compression library available on your system to build dump styles with
a /gz
suffix. There are also styles using the
Zstandard library which have a
‘/zstd’ suffix. The zstd library version must be at least 1.4. Older
versions use an incompatible API and thus LAMMPS will fail to compile.
If CMake cannot find the zlib library or include files, you can set these variables:
-D ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=path # path to zlib.h header file
-D ZLIB_LIBRARY=path # path to libz.a (.so) file
Support for Zstandard compression is auto-detected and for that
CMake depends on the pkg-config tool to
identify the necessary flags to compile with this library, so the
corresponding libzstandard.pc
file must be in a folder where
can find it, which may require adding it to the
environment variable.
To include support for Zstandard compression, -DLAMMPS_ZSTD
must be added to the compiler flags. If make cannot find the
libraries, you can edit the file lib/compress/Makefile.lammps
to specify the paths and library names. This must be done
before the package is installed.
3.7.2. GPU package
To build with this package, you must choose options for precision and which GPU hardware to build for. The GPU package currently supports three different types of back ends: OpenCL, CUDA and HIP.
CMake build
-D GPU_API=value # value = opencl (default) or cuda or hip
-D GPU_PREC=value # precision setting
# value = double or mixed (default) or single
-D GPU_ARCH=value # primary GPU hardware choice for GPU_API=cuda
# value = sm_XX (see below, default is sm_50)
-D GPU_DEBUG=value # enable debug code in the GPU package library,
# mostly useful for developers
# value = yes or no (default)
-D HIP_PATH=value # value = path to HIP installation. Must be set if
-D HIP_ARCH=value # primary GPU hardware choice for GPU_API=hip
# value depends on selected HIP_PLATFORM
# default is 'gfx906' for HIP_PLATFORM=amd and 'sm_50' for
-D HIP_USE_DEVICE_SORT=value # enables GPU sorting
# value = yes (default) or no
-D CUDPP_OPT=value # use GPU binning with CUDA (should be off for modern GPUs)
# enables CUDA Performance Primitives, must be "no" for
# value = yes or no (default)
-D CUDA_MPS_SUPPORT=value # enables some tweaks required to run with active
# nvidia-cuda-mps daemon
# value = yes or no (default)
-D CUDA_BUILD_MULTIARCH=value # enables building CUDA kernels for all supported GPU
# architectures
# value = yes (default) or no
-D USE_STATIC_OPENCL_LOADER=value # downloads/includes OpenCL ICD loader library,
# no local OpenCL headers/libs needed
# value = yes (default) or no
settings for different GPU hardware is as follows:
for Kepler (supported since CUDA 5 and until CUDA 10.x)sm_35
for Kepler (supported since CUDA 5 and until CUDA 11.x)sm_50
for Maxwell (supported since CUDA 6)sm_60
for Pascal (supported since CUDA 8)sm_70
for Volta (supported since CUDA 9)sm_75
for Turing (supported since CUDA 10)sm_80
or sm_86 for Ampere (supported since CUDA 11, sm_86 since CUDA 11.1)sm_89
for Lovelace (supported since CUDA 11.8)sm_90
for Hopper (supported since CUDA 12.0)
A more detailed list can be found, for example, at Wikipedia’s CUDA article
CMake can detect which version of the CUDA toolkit is used and thus will
try to include support for all major GPU architectures supported by
this toolkit. Thus the GPU_ARCH
setting is merely an optimization, to
have code for the preferred GPU architecture directly included rather
than having to wait for the JIT compiler of the CUDA driver to translate
it. This behavior can be turned off (e.g. to speed up compilation) by
to no
When compiling for CUDA or HIP with CUDA, version 8.0 or later of the CUDA toolkit is required and a GPU architecture of Kepler or later, which must also be supported by the CUDA toolkit in use and the CUDA driver in use. When compiling for OpenCL, OpenCL version 1.2 or later is required and the GPU must be supported by the GPU driver and OpenCL runtime bundled with the driver.
When building with CMake, you must NOT build the GPU library in
using the traditional build procedure. CMake will detect
files generated by that process and will terminate with an error and a
suggestion for how to remove them.
If you are compiling for OpenCL, the default setting is to download,
build, and link with a static OpenCL ICD loader library and standard
OpenCL headers. This way no local OpenCL development headers or library
needs to be present and only OpenCL compatible drivers need to be
installed to use OpenCL. If this is not desired, you can set
to no
The GPU library has some multi-thread support using OpenMP. If LAMMPS
is built with -D BUILD_OMP=on
this will also be enabled.
If you are compiling with HIP, note that before running CMake you will
have to set appropriate environment variables. Some variables such as
(for ROCm <= 4.0) or CUDA_PATH
necessary for hipcc
and the linker to work correctly.
Added in version 3Aug2022.
Using the CHIP-SPV implementation of HIP is supported. It allows one to
run HIP code on Intel GPUs via the OpenCL or Level Zero back ends. To use
in your CMake
command-line as CHIP-SPV does not yet support hipCUB. As of Summer 2022,
the use of HIP for Intel GPUs is experimental. You should only use this
option in preparations to run on Aurora system at Argonne.
# AMDGPU target (ROCm <= 4.0)
export HIP_PLATFORM=hcc
export HIP_PATH=/path/to/HIP/install
export HCC_AMDGPU_TARGET=gfx906
cmake -D PKG_GPU=on -D GPU_API=HIP -D HIP_ARCH=gfx906 -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=hipcc ..
make -j 4
# AMDGPU target (ROCm >= 4.1)
export HIP_PLATFORM=amd
export HIP_PATH=/path/to/HIP/install
cmake -D PKG_GPU=on -D GPU_API=HIP -D HIP_ARCH=gfx906 -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=hipcc ..
make -j 4
# CUDA target (not recommended, use GPU_API=cuda)
export HIP_PLATFORM=nvcc
export HIP_PATH=/path/to/HIP/install
export CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda
cmake -D PKG_GPU=on -D GPU_API=HIP -D HIP_ARCH=sm_70 ..
make -j 4
# SPIR-V target (Intel GPUs)
export HIP_PLATFORM=spirv
export HIP_PATH=/path/to/HIP/install
export CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<hipcc/clang++>
cmake -D PKG_GPU=on -D GPU_API=HIP ..
make -j 4
Traditional make
Before building LAMMPS, you must build the GPU library in lib/gpu
You can do this manually if you prefer; follow the instructions in
. Note that the GPU library uses MPI calls, so you must
use the same MPI library (or the STUBS library) settings as the main
LAMMPS code. This also applies to the -DLAMMPS_BIGBIG
settings in whichever
Makefile you use.
You can also build the library in one step from the lammps/src
using a command like these, which simply invokes the lib/gpu/Install.py
script with the specified args:
# print help message
make lib-gpu
# build GPU library with default Makefile.linux
make lib-gpu args="-b"
# create new Makefile.xk7.single, altered for single-precision
make lib-gpu args="-m xk7 -p single -o xk7.single"
# build GPU library with mixed precision and P100 using other settings in Makefile.mpi
make lib-gpu args="-m mpi -a sm_60 -p mixed -b"
Note that this procedure starts with a Makefile.machine in lib/gpu, as
specified by the -m
switch. For your convenience, machine makefiles
for “mpi” and “serial” are provided, which have the same settings as
the corresponding machine makefiles in the main LAMMPS source
folder. In addition you can alter 4 important settings in the
Makefile.machine you start from via the corresponding -c
, -a
, -p
, -e
switches (as in the examples above), and also save a copy of the new
Makefile if desired:
= where NVIDIA CUDA software is installed on your systemCUDA_ARCH
, what GPU hardware you have, same as CMakeGPU_ARCH
= precision (double, mixed, single)EXTRAMAKE
= whichMakefile.lammps.*
file to copy to Makefile.lammps
The file Makefile.cuda
is set up to include support for multiple
GPU architectures as supported by the CUDA toolkit in use. This is done
through using the --gencode
flag, which can be used multiple times and
thus support all GPU architectures supported by your CUDA compiler.
To enable GPU binning via CUDA performance primitives set the Makefile variable
CUDPP_OPT = -DUSE_CUDPP -Icudpp_mini
. This should not be used with
most modern GPUs.
To support the CUDA multiprocessor server you can set the define
. Please note that in this case you must not use
the CUDA performance primitives and thus set the variable CUDPP_OPT
to empty.
The GPU library has some multi-thread support using OpenMP. You need to add
the compiler flag that enables OpenMP to the CUDR_OPTS
Makefile variable.
If the library build is successful, 3 files should be created:
, lib/gpu/nvc_get_devices
, and
. The latter has settings that enable LAMMPS
to link with CUDA libraries. If the settings in Makefile.lammps
your machine are not correct, the LAMMPS build will fail, and
may need to be edited.
If you re-build the GPU library in lib/gpu
, you should always
uninstall the GPU package in lammps/src
, then re-install it and
re-build LAMMPS. This is because the compilation of files in the GPU
package uses the library settings from the lib/gpu/Makefile.machine
used to build the GPU library.
3.7.3. KIM package
To build with this package, the KIM library with API v2 must be downloaded and built on your system. It must include the KIM models that you want to use with LAMMPS.
If you would like to use the kim query command, you also need to have libcurl installed with the matching development headers and the curl-config tool.
If you would like to use the kim property
command, you need to build LAMMPS with the PYTHON package installed
and linked to Python 3.6 or later. See the PYTHON package build info
for more details on this. After successfully building LAMMPS with Python, you
also need to install the kim-property
Python package, which can be easily
done using pip as pip install kim-property
, or from the conda-forge
channel as conda install kim-property
if LAMMPS is built in Conda. More
detailed information is available at:
kim-property installation.
In addition to installing the KIM API, it is also necessary to install the library of KIM models (interatomic potentials). See Obtaining KIM Models to learn how to install a pre-build binary of the OpenKIM Repository of Models. See the list of all KIM models here: https://openkim.org/browse/models
(Also note that when downloading and installing from source the KIM API library with all its models, may take a long time (tens of minutes to hours) to build. Of course you only need to do that once.)
-D DOWNLOAD_KIM=value # download OpenKIM API v2 for build
# value = no (default) or yes
-D LMP_DEBUG_CURL=value # set libcurl verbose mode on/off
# value = off (default) or on
-D LMP_NO_SSL_CHECK=value # tell libcurl to not verify the peer
# value = no (default) or yes
-D KIM_EXTRA_UNITTESTS=value # enables extra unit tests
# value = no (default) or yes
is set to yes
(or on
), the KIM API library
will be downloaded and built inside the CMake build directory. If
the KIM library is already installed on your system (in a location
where CMake cannot find it), you may need to set the
environment variable so that libkim-api can be
found, or run the command source kim-api-activate
Extra unit tests can only be available if they are explicitly requested
is set to yes
(or on
)) and the prerequisites
are met. See KIM Extra unit tests for
more details on this.
You can download and build the KIM library manually if you prefer;
follow the instructions in lib/kim/README
. You can also do
this in one step from the lammps/src directory, using a command like
these, which simply invokes the lib/kim/Install.py
script with
the specified args.
# print help message
make lib-kim
# (re-)install KIM API lib with only example models
make lib-kim args="-b"
# ditto plus one model
make lib-kim args="-b -a Glue_Ercolessi_Adams_Al__MO_324507536345_001"
# install KIM API lib with all models
make lib-kim args="-b -a everything"
# add one model or model driver
make lib-kim args="-n -a EAM_Dynamo_Ackland_W__MO_141627196590_002"
# use an existing KIM API installation at the provided location
make lib-kim args="-p <prefix>"
# ditto but add one model or driver
make lib-kim args="-p <prefix> -a EAM_Dynamo_Ackland_W__MO_141627196590_002"
When using the -b
option, the KIM library is built using its native
cmake build system. The lib/kim/Install.py
script supports a
environment variable if the cmake executable is named other
than cmake
on your system. Additional environment variables may be
set with the make
command for use by cmake. For example, to use the
executable and tell it to use the GNU version 11 compilers
called g++-11
, gcc-11
and gfortran-11
to build KIM, one
could use the following command.
# (re-)install KIM API lib using cmake3 and gnu v11 compilers
# with only example models
CMAKE=cmake3 CXX=g++-11 CC=gcc-11 FC=gfortran-11 make lib-kim args="-b"
Settings for debugging OpenKIM web queries discussed below need to
be applied by adding them to the LMP_INC
variable through
editing the Makefile.machine
you are using. For example:
Debugging OpenKIM web queries in LAMMPS
is set, the libcurl verbose mode will be turned
on, and any libcurl calls within the KIM web query display a lot of
information about libcurl operations. You hardly ever want this set in
production use, you will almost always want this when you debug or
report problems.
The libcurl library performs peer SSL certificate verification by
default. This verification is done using a CA certificate store that
the SSL library can use to make sure the peer’s server certificate is
valid. If SSL reports an error (“certificate verify failed”) during the
handshake and thus refuses further communicate with that server, you can
to override that behavior. When LAMMPS is
compiled with LMP_NO_SSL_CHECK
set, libcurl does not verify the peer
and connection attempts will succeed regardless of the names in the
certificate. This option is insecure. As an alternative, you can
specify your own CA cert path by setting the environment variable
to the path of your choice. A call to the KIM web
query would get this value from the environment variable.
KIM Extra unit tests (CMake only)
During development, testing, or debugging, if
unit testing is enabled in LAMMPS, one can also
enable extra tests on KIM commands by setting the
to yes
(or on
Enabling the extra unit tests have some requirements,
It requires to have internet access.
It requires to have libcurl installed with the matching development headers and the curl-config tool.
It requires to build LAMMPS with the PYTHON package installed and linked to Python 3.6 or later. See the PYTHON package build info for more details on this.
It requires to have
Python package installed, which can be easily done using pip aspip install kim-property
, or from the conda-forge channel asconda install kim-property
if LAMMPS is built in Conda. More detailed information is available at: kim-property installation.It is also necessary to install the following KIM models:
See Obtaining KIM Models to learn how to install a pre-built binary of the OpenKIM Repository of Models or see Installing KIM Models to learn how to install the specific KIM models.
3.7.4. KOKKOS package
Using the KOKKOS package requires choosing several settings. You have to select whether you want to compile with parallelization on the host and whether you want to include offloading of calculations to a device (e.g. a GPU). The default setting is to have no host parallelization and no device offloading. In addition, you can select the hardware architecture to select the instruction set. Since most hardware is backward compatible, you may choose settings for an older architecture to have an executable that will run on this and newer architectures.
If you run Kokkos on a different GPU architecture than what LAMMPS was compiled with, there will be a delay during device initialization while the just-in-time compiler is recompiling all GPU kernels for the new hardware. This is, however, only supported for GPUs of the same major hardware version and different minor hardware versions, e.g. 5.0 and 5.2 but not 5.2 and 6.0. LAMMPS will abort with an error message indicating a mismatch, if that happens.
The settings discussed below have been tested with LAMMPS and are confirmed to work. Kokkos is an active project with ongoing improvements and projects working on including support for additional architectures. More information on Kokkos can be found on the Kokkos GitHub project.
Available Architecture settings
These are the possible choices for the Kokkos architecture ID. They must be specified in uppercase.
Arch-ID |
Description |
Local machine |
AMD chip |
ARMV80 |
ARMv8.0 Compatible CPU |
ARMV81 |
ARMv8.1 Compatible CPU |
ARMv8 Cavium ThunderX CPU |
ARMv8 Cavium ThunderX2 CPU |
A64FX |
ARMv8.2 with SVE Support |
Intel Sandy/Ivy Bridge CPUs |
Intel Haswell CPUs |
Intel Broadwell Xeon E-class CPUs |
Intel Ice Lake Client CPUs (AVX512) |
Intel Ice Lake Xeon Server CPUs (AVX512) |
Intel Skylake Client CPUs |
Intel Skylake Xeon Server CPUs (AVX512) |
Intel Knights Corner Xeon Phi |
Intel Knights Landing Xeon Phi |
Intel Sapphire Rapids Xeon Server CPUs (AVX512) |
AMD Zen architecture |
ZEN2 |
AMD Zen2 architecture |
ZEN3 |
AMD Zen3 architecture |
RISCV_SG2042 |
SG2042 (RISC-V) CPUs |
NVIDIA Kepler generation CC 3.0 |
NVIDIA Kepler generation CC 3.2 |
NVIDIA Kepler generation CC 3.5 |
NVIDIA Kepler generation CC 3.7 |
NVIDIA Maxwell generation CC 5.0 |
NVIDIA Maxwell generation CC 5.2 |
NVIDIA Maxwell generation CC 5.3 |
NVIDIA Pascal generation CC 6.0 |
NVIDIA Pascal generation CC 6.1 |
NVIDIA Volta generation CC 7.0 |
NVIDIA Volta generation CC 7.2 |
NVIDIA Turing generation CC 7.5 |
NVIDIA Ampere generation CC 8.0 |
NVIDIA Ampere generation CC 8.6 |
ADA89 |
NVIDIA Ada generation CC 8.9 |
NVIDIA Hopper generation CC 9.0 |
AMD_GFX906 |
AMD GPU MI50/60 |
AMD_GFX908 |
AMD_GFX940 |
AMD_GFX942 |
AMD_GFX1030 |
AMD GPU V620/W6800 |
AMD_GFX1100 |
AMD_GFX1103 |
AMD APU Phoenix |
SPIR64-based devices, e.g. Intel GPUs, using JIT |
Intel Iris XeMAX GPU |
Intel GPU Gen9 |
Intel GPU Gen11 |
Intel GPU Gen12LP |
Intel GPU Xe-HP |
Intel GPU Ponte Vecchio |
This list was last updated for version 4.5.1 of the Kokkos library.
For multicore CPUs using OpenMP, set these 2 variables.
-D Kokkos_ARCH_HOSTARCH=yes # HOSTARCH = HOST from list above
Please note that enabling OpenMP for KOKKOS requires that OpenMP is also enabled for the rest of LAMMPS.
For Intel KNLs using OpenMP, set these variables:
-D Kokkos_ARCH_KNL=yes
For NVIDIA GPUs using CUDA, set these variables:
-D Kokkos_ARCH_HOSTARCH=yes # HOSTARCH = HOST from list above
-D Kokkos_ARCH_GPUARCH=yes # GPUARCH = GPU from list above
-D Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=yes
This will also enable executing FFTs on the GPU, either via the internal KISSFFT library, or - by preference - with the cuFFT library bundled with the CUDA toolkit, depending on whether CMake can identify its location.
For AMD or NVIDIA GPUs using HIP, set these variables:
-D Kokkos_ARCH_HOSTARCH=yes # HOSTARCH = HOST from list above
-D Kokkos_ARCH_GPUARCH=yes # GPUARCH = GPU from list above
-D Kokkos_ENABLE_HIP=yes
This will enable FFTs on the GPU, either by the internal KISSFFT library or with the hipFFT wrapper library, which will call out to the platform-appropriate vendor library: rocFFT on AMD GPUs or cuFFT on NVIDIA GPUs.
For Intel GPUs using SYCL, set these variables:
-D Kokkos_ARCH_HOSTARCH=yes # HOSTARCH = HOST from list above
-D Kokkos_ARCH_GPUARCH=yes # GPUARCH = GPU from list above
-D Kokkos_ENABLE_SYCL=yes
This will enable FFTs on the GPU using the oneMKL library.
To simplify compilation, six preset files are included in the
folder, kokkos-serial.cmake
, kokkos-cuda.cmake
, kokkos-sycl-nvidia.cmake
, and
. They will enable the KOKKOS
package and enable some hardware choices. For GPU support those
preset files must be customized to match the hardware used. So
to compile with CUDA device parallelization with some common
packages enabled, you can do the following:
mkdir build-kokkos-cuda
cd build-kokkos-cuda
cmake -C ../cmake/presets/basic.cmake \
-C ../cmake/presets/kokkos-cuda.cmake ../cmake
cmake --build .
Choose which hardware to support in Makefile.machine
settings. See the
files for examples.
For multicore CPUs using OpenMP:
For Intel KNLs using OpenMP:
# hosting the GPU
# GPUARCH = GPU from list above
KOKKOS_CUDA_OPTIONS = "enable_lambda"
FFT_INC = -DFFT_CUFFT # enable use of cuFFT (optional)
FFT_LIB = -lcufft # link to cuFFT library
For GPUs, you also need the following lines in your
before the CC line is defined. They tell
to use an nvcc
compiler wrapper, which will use
for compiling CUDA files and a C++ compiler for
non-Kokkos, non-CUDA files.
# For OpenMPI
export OMPI_CXX = $(KOKKOS_ABSOLUTE_PATH)/config/nvcc_wrapper
CC = mpicxx
# For MPICH and derivatives
CC = mpicxx -cxx=$(KOKKOS_ABSOLUTE_PATH)/config/nvcc_wrapper
For AMD or NVIDIA GPUs using HIP:
# hosting the GPU
# GPUARCH = GPU from list above
FFT_INC = -DFFT_HIPFFT # enable use of hipFFT (optional)
FFT_LIB = -lhipfft # link to hipFFT library
For Intel GPUs using SYCL:
# hosting the GPU
# GPUARCH = GPU from list above
FFT_INC = -DFFT_KOKKOS_MKL_GPU # enable use of oneMKL for Intel GPUs (optional)
# link to oneMKL FFT library
FFT_LIB = -lmkl_sycl_dft -lmkl_intel_ilp64 -lmkl_tbb_thread -mkl_core -ltbb
Advanced KOKKOS compilation settings
There are other allowed options when building with the KOKKOS package that can improve performance or assist in debugging or profiling. Below are some examples that may be useful in combination with LAMMPS. For the full list (which keeps changing as the Kokkos package itself evolves), please consult the Kokkos library documentation.
As alternative to using multi-threading via OpenMP
) it is also
possible to use Posix threads directly (-DKokkos_ENABLE_PTHREAD=on
). While binding of threads to individual
or groups of CPU cores is managed in OpenMP with environment variables,
you need assistance from either the “hwloc” or “libnuma” library for the
Pthread thread parallelization option. To enable use with CMake:
; and with
conventional make: KOKKOS_USE_TPLS=hwloc
The CMake option -DKokkos_ENABLE_LIBRT=on
or the makefile setting
enables the use of a more accurate timer
mechanism on many Unix-like platforms for internal profiling.
The CMake option -DKokkos_ENABLE_DEBUG=on
or the makefile setting
enables printing of run-time
debugging information that can be useful. It also enables runtime
bounds checking on Kokkos data structures. As to be expected, enabling
this option will negatively impact the performance and thus is only
recommended when developing a Kokkos-enabled style in LAMMPS.
The CMake option -DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA_UVM=on
or the makefile
setting KOKKOS_CUDA_OPTIONS=enable_lambda,force_uvm
enables the
use of CUDA “Unified Virtual Memory” (UVM) in Kokkos. UVM allows to
transparently use RAM on the host to supplement the memory used on the
GPU (with some performance penalty) and thus enables running larger
problems that would otherwise not fit into the RAM on the GPU.
Please note, that the LAMMPS KOKKOS package must always be compiled with the enable_lambda option when using GPUs. The CMake configuration will thus always enable it.
3.7.5. LEPTON package
To build with this package, you must build the Lepton library which is
included in the LAMMPS source distribution in the lib/lepton
This is the recommended build procedure for using Lepton in
LAMMPS. No additional settings are normally needed besides
On x86 hardware the Lepton library will also include a just-in-time
compiler for faster execution. This is auto detected but can
be explicitly disabled by setting -D LEPTON_ENABLE_JIT=no
(or enabled by setting it to yes).
Before building LAMMPS, one must build the Lepton library in lib/lepton.
This can be done manually in the same folder by using or adapting
one of the provided Makefiles: for example, Makefile.serial
the GNU C++ compiler, or Makefile.mpi
for the MPI compiler wrapper.
The Lepton library is written in C++-11 and thus the C++ compiler
may need to be instructed to enable support for that.
In general, it is safer to use build setting consistent with the
rest of LAMMPS. This is best carried out from the LAMMPS src
directory using a command like these, which simply invokes the
script with the specified args:
# print help message
make lib-lepton
# build with GNU g++ compiler (settings as with "make serial")
make lib-lepton args="-m serial"
# build with default MPI compiler (settings as with "make mpi")
make lib-lepton args="-m mpi"
The “machine” argument of the -m
flag is used to find a
Makefile.machine to use as build recipe.
The build should produce a build
folder and the library lib/lepton/liblmplepton.a
3.7.6. MACHDYN package
To build with this package, you must download the Eigen3 library. Eigen3 is a template library, so you do not need to build it.
-D DOWNLOAD_EIGEN3 # download Eigen3, value = no (default) or yes
-D EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=path # path to Eigen library (only needed if a
# custom location)
is set, the Eigen3 library will be
downloaded and inside the CMake build directory. If the Eigen3
library is already on your system (in a location where CMake
cannot find it), set EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR
to the directory the
include file is in.
You can download the Eigen3 library manually if you prefer; follow
the instructions in lib/machdyn/README
. You can also do it in one
step from the lammps/src
dir, using a command like these,
which simply invokes the lib/machdyn/Install.py
script with the
specified args:
# print help message
make lib-machdyn
# download to lib/machdyn/eigen3
make lib-machdyn args="-b"
# use existing Eigen installation in /usr/include/eigen3
make lib-machdyn args="-p /usr/include/eigen3"
Note that a symbolic (soft) link named includelink
is created
in lib/machdyn
to point to the Eigen dir. When LAMMPS builds it
will use this link. You should not need to edit the
3.7.7. ML-IAP package
Building the ML-IAP package requires including the ML-SNAP package. There will be an error message if this requirement
is not satisfied. Using the mliappy model also requires enabling
Python support, which in turn requires to include the PYTHON package and requires to have the cython software installed and with it a working
command. This feature requires compiling LAMMPS with
Python version 3.6 or later.
-D MLIAP_ENABLE_PYTHON=value # enable mliappy model (default is autodetect)
Without this setting, CMake will check whether it can find a
suitable Python version and the cythonize
command and choose
the default accordingly. During the build procedure the provided
.pyx file(s) will be automatically translated to C++ code and compiled.
Please do not run cythonize
manually in the src/ML-IAP
as that can lead to compilation errors if Python support is not enabled.
If you did it by accident, please remove the generated .cpp and .h files.
The build uses the lib/python/Makefile.mliap_python
file in the
compile/link process to add a rule to update the files generated by
the cythonize
command in case the corresponding .pyx file(s) were
modified. You may need to modify lib/python/Makefile.lammps
if the LAMMPS build fails.
To enable building the ML-IAP package with Python support enabled,
you need to add -DMLIAP_PYTHON
to the LMP_INC
variable in
your machine makefile. You may have to manually run the
command on .pyx file(s) in the src
folder, if
this is not automatically done during installing the ML-IAP
package. Please do not run cythonize
in the src/ML-IAP
folder, as that can lead to compilation errors if Python support
is not enabled. If you did this by accident, please remove the
generated .cpp and .h files.
3.7.8. OPT package
No additional settings are needed besides -D PKG_OPT=yes
The compiler flag -restrict
must be used to build LAMMPS with
the OPT package when using Intel compilers. It should be added to
line of your Makefile.machine
. See
for an example.
3.7.9. POEMS package
No additional settings are needed besides -D PKG_OPT=yes
Before building LAMMPS, you must build the POEMS library in
. You can do this manually if you prefer; follow
the instructions in lib/poems/README
. You can also do it in
one step from the lammps/src
dir, using a command like these,
which simply invokes the lib/poems/Install.py
script with the
specified args:
# print help message
make lib-poems
# build with GNU g++ compiler (settings as with "make serial")
make lib-poems args="-m serial"
# build with default MPI C++ compiler (settings as with "make mpi")
make lib-poems args="-m mpi"
# build with Intel Classic compiler
make lib-poems args="-m icc"
The build should produce two files: lib/poems/libpoems.a
. The latter is copied from an
existing Makefile.lammps.*
and has settings needed to build
LAMMPS with the POEMS library (though typically the settings are
just blank). If necessary, you can edit/create a new
file for your system, which should
define an EXTRAMAKE
variable to specify a corresponding
3.7.10. PYTHON package
Building with the PYTHON package requires you have a the Python development
headers and library available on your system, which needs to be a Python 2.7
version or a Python 3.x version. Since support for Python 2.x has ended,
using Python 3.x is strongly recommended. See lib/python/README
additional details.
-D Python_EXECUTABLE=path # path to Python executable to use
Without this setting, CMake will guess the default Python version on your system. To use a different Python version, you can either create a virtualenv, activate it and then run cmake. Or you can set the Python_EXECUTABLE variable to specify which Python interpreter should be used. Note note that you will also need to have the development headers installed for this version, e.g. python2-devel.
The build uses the lib/python/Makefile.lammps
file in the
compile/link process to find Python. You should only need to
create a new Makefile.lammps.*
file (and copy it to
) if the LAMMPS build fails.
3.7.11. VORONOI package
To build with this package, you must download and build the Voro++ library or install a binary package provided by your operating system.
-D DOWNLOAD_VORO=value # download Voro++ for build
# value = no (default) or yes
-D VORO_LIBRARY=path # Voro++ library file
# (only needed if at custom location)
-D VORO_INCLUDE_DIR=path # Voro++ include directory
# (only needed if at custom location)
is set, the Voro++ library will be downloaded
and built inside the CMake build directory. If the Voro++ library
is already on your system (in a location CMake cannot find it),
is the filename (plus path) of the Voro++ library
file, not the directory the library file is in.
is the directory the Voro++ include file is
You can download and build the Voro++ library manually if you
prefer; follow the instructions in lib/voronoi/README
. You
can also do it in one step from the lammps/src
dir, using a
command like these, which simply invokes the
script with the specified args:
# print help message
make lib-voronoi
# download and build the default version in lib/voronoi/voro++-<version>
make lib-voronoi args="-b"
# use existing Voro++ installation in $HOME/voro++
make lib-voronoi args="-p $HOME/voro++"
# download and build the 0.4.6 version in lib/voronoi/voro++-0.4.6
make lib-voronoi args="-b -v voro++0.4.6"
Note that two symbolic (soft) links, includelink
, are created in lib/voronoi to point to the Voro++
source dir. When LAMMPS builds in src
it will use these
links. You should not need to edit the
3.7.12. ADIOS package
The ADIOS package requires the ADIOS I/O library, version 2.3.1 or newer. Make sure that you have ADIOS built either with or without MPI to match if you build LAMMPS with or without MPI. ADIOS compilation settings for LAMMPS are automatically detected, if the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables have been updated for the local ADIOS installation and the instructions below are followed for the respective build systems.
-D ADIOS2_DIR=path # path is where ADIOS 2.x is installed
Turn on the ADIOS package before building LAMMPS. If the ADIOS 2.x software is installed in PATH, there is nothing else to do:
make yes-adios
otherwise, set ADIOS2_DIR environment variable when turning on the package:
ADIOS2_DIR=path make yes-adios # path is where ADIOS 2.x is installed
3.7.13. ATC package
The ATC package requires the MANYBODY package also be installed.
No additional settings are needed besides -D PKG_ATC=yes
Before building LAMMPS, you must build the ATC library in
. You can do this manually if you prefer; follow the
instructions in lib/atc/README
. You can also do it in one
step from the lammps/src
dir, using a command like these,
which simply invokes the lib/atc/Install.py
script with the
specified args:
# print help message
make lib-atc
# build with GNU g++ compiler and MPI STUBS (settings as with "make serial")
make lib-atc args="-m serial"
# build with default MPI compiler (settings as with "make mpi")
make lib-atc args="-m mpi"
# build with Intel Classic compiler
make lib-atc args="-m icc"
The build should produce two files: lib/atc/libatc.a
. The latter is copied from an
existing Makefile.lammps.*
and has settings needed to build
LAMMPS with the ATC library. If necessary, you can edit/create a
new lib/atc/Makefile.machine
file for your system, which
should define an EXTRAMAKE
variable to specify a corresponding
Note that the Makefile.lammps file has settings for the BLAS and
LAPACK linear algebra libraries. As explained in
these can either exist on your system, or you
can use the files provided in lib/linalg
. In the latter case
you also need to build the library in lib/linalg
with a
command like these:
# print help message
make lib-linalg
# build with GNU C++ compiler (settings as with "make serial")
make lib-linalg args="-m serial"
# build with default MPI C++ compiler (settings as with "make mpi")
make lib-linalg args="-m mpi"
# build with GNU Fortran compiler
make lib-linalg args="-m g++"
3.7.14. AWPMD package
No additional settings are needed besides -D PKG_AQPMD=yes
Before building LAMMPS, you must build the AWPMD library in
. You can do this manually if you prefer; follow the
instructions in lib/awpmd/README
. You can also do it in one
step from the lammps/src
dir, using a command like these,
which simply invokes the lib/awpmd/Install.py
script with the
specified args:
# print help message
make lib-awpmd
# build with GNU g++ compiler and MPI STUBS (settings as with "make serial")
make lib-awpmd args="-m serial"
# build with default MPI compiler (settings as with "make mpi")
make lib-awpmd args="-m mpi"
# build with Intel Classic compiler
make lib-awpmd args="-m icc"
The build should produce two files: lib/awpmd/libawpmd.a
. The latter is copied from an
existing Makefile.lammps.*
and has settings needed to build
LAMMPS with the AWPMD library. If necessary, you can edit/create
a new lib/awpmd/Makefile.machine
file for your system, which
should define an EXTRAMAKE
variable to specify a corresponding
Note that the Makefile.lammps
file has settings for the BLAS
and LAPACK linear algebra libraries. As explained in
these can either exist on your system, or you
can use the files provided in lib/linalg
. In the latter case
you also need to build the library in lib/linalg
with a
command like these:
# print help message
make lib-linalg
# build with GNU C++ compiler (settings as with "make serial")
make lib-linalg args="-m serial"
# build with default MPI C++ compiler (settings as with "make mpi")
make lib-linalg args="-m mpi"
# build with GNU C++ compiler
make lib-linalg args="-m g++"
3.7.15. COLVARS package
This package enables the use of the Colvars module included in the LAMMPS source distribution.
This is the recommended build procedure for using Colvars in
LAMMPS. No additional settings are normally needed besides
As with other libraries distributed with LAMMPS, the Colvars library needs to be built before building the LAMMPS program with the COLVARS package enabled.
From the LAMMPS src
directory, this is most easily and safely done
via one of the following commands, which implicitly rely on the
script with optional arguments:
# print help message
make lib-colvars
# build with GNU g++ compiler (settings as with "make serial")
make lib-colvars args="-m serial"
# build with default MPI compiler (settings as with "make mpi")
make lib-colvars args="-m mpi"
# build with GNU g++ compiler and colvars debugging enabled
make lib-colvars args="-m g++-debug"
The “machine” argument of the “-m” flag is used to find a
file to use as build recipe. If such recipe does
not already exist in lib/colvars
, suitable settings will be
auto-generated consistent with those used in the core LAMMPS makefiles.
Changed in version 8Feb2023.
Please note that Colvars uses the Lepton library, which is now
included with the LEPTON package; if you use anything other than
the make lib-colvars
command, please make sure to build
Lepton beforehand.
Optional flags may be specified as environment variables:
# Build with debug code (much slower)
COLVARS_DEBUG=yes make lib-colvars args="-m machine"
# Build without Lepton (included otherwise)
COLVARS_LEPTON=no make lib-colvars args="-m machine"
The build should produce two files: the library
and the specification file
. The latter is auto-generated,
and normally does not need to be edited.
3.7.16. ELECTRODE package
This package depends on the KSPACE package.
-D PKG_ELECTRODE=yes # enable the package itself
-D PKG_KSPACE=yes # the ELECTRODE package requires KSPACE
Features in the ELECTRODE package are dependent on code in the KSPACE package so the latter one must be enabled.
The ELECTRODE package also requires LAPACK (and BLAS) and CMake
can identify their locations and pass that info to the ELECTRODE
build script. But on some systems this may cause problems when
linking or the dependency is not desired. Try enabling
in those cases to use the bundled linear
algebra library and work around the limitation.
Before building LAMMPS, you must configure the ELECTRODE support
libraries and settings in lib/electrode
. You can do this
manually, if you prefer, or do it in one step from the
dir, using a command like these, which simply
invokes the lib/electrode/Install.py
script with the specified
# print help message
make lib-electrode
# build with GNU g++ compiler and MPI STUBS (settings as with "make serial")
make lib-electrode args="-m serial"
# build with default MPI compiler (settings as with "make mpi")
make lib-electrode args="-m mpi"
Note that the Makefile.lammps
file has settings for the BLAS
and LAPACK linear algebra libraries. These can either exist on
your system, or you can use the files provided in lib/linalg
In the latter case you also need to build the library in
with a command like these:
# print help message
make lib-linalg
# build with GNU C++ compiler (settings as with "make serial")
make lib-linalg args="-m serial"
# build with default MPI C++ compiler (settings as with "make mpi")
make lib-linalg args="-m mpi"
# build with GNU C++ compiler
make lib-linalg args="-m g++"
The package itself is activated with make yes-KSPACE
make yes-ELECTRODE
3.7.17. ML-PACE package
This package requires a library that can be downloaded and built in lib/pace or somewhere else, which must be done before building LAMMPS with this package. The code for the library can be found at: https://github.com/ICAMS/lammps-user-pace/
Instead of including the ML-PACE package directly into LAMMPS, it
is also possible to skip this step and build the ML-PACE package as
a plugin using the CMake script files in the examples/PACKAGE/pace/plugin
folder and then load this plugin at runtime with the plugin command.
By default the library will be downloaded from the git repository
and built automatically when the ML-PACE package is enabled with
. The location for the sources may be
customized by setting the variable PACELIB_URL
configuring with CMake (e.g. to use a local archive on machines
without internet access). Since CMake checks the validity of the
archive with md5sum
you may also need to set PACELIB_MD5
if you provide a different library version than what is downloaded
You can download and build the ML-PACE library
in one step from the lammps/src
dir, using these commands,
which invoke the lib/pace/Install.py
# print help message
make lib-pace
# download and build the default version in lib/pace
make lib-pace args="-b"
You should not need to edit the lib/pace/Makefile.lammps
3.7.18. ML-POD package
No additional settings are needed besides -D PKG_ML-POD=yes
Before building LAMMPS, you must configure the ML-POD support
settings in lib/mlpod
. You can do this manually, if you
prefer, or do it in one step from the lammps/src
dir, using a
command like the following, which simply invoke the
script with the specified args:
# print help message
make lib-mlpod
# build with GNU g++ compiler and MPI STUBS (settings as with "make serial")
make lib-mlpod args="-m serial"
# build with default MPI compiler (settings as with "make mpi")
make lib-mlpod args="-m mpi"
# same as above but use the bundled linalg lib
make lib-mlpod args="-m mpi -e linalg"
Note that the Makefile.lammps
file has settings to use the BLAS
and LAPACK linear algebra libraries. These can either exist on
your system, or you can use the files provided in lib/linalg
In the latter case you also need to build the library in
with a command like these:
# print help message
make lib-linalg
# build with GNU C++ compiler (settings as with "make serial")
make lib-linalg args="-m serial"
# build with default MPI C++ compiler (settings as with "make mpi")
make lib-linalg args="-m mpi"
# build with GNU C++ compiler
make lib-linalg args="-m g++"
The package itself is activated with make yes-ML-POD
3.7.19. ML-QUIP package
To build with this package, you must download and build the QUIP library. It can be obtained from GitHub. For support of GAP potentials, additional files with specific licensing conditions need to be downloaded and configured. The automatic download will from within CMake will download the non-commercial use version.
-D DOWNLOAD_QUIP=value # download QUIP library for build
# value = no (default) or yes
-D QUIP_LIBRARY=path # path to libquip.a
# (only needed if a custom location)
-D USE_INTERNAL_LINALG=value # Use the internal linear algebra library
# instead of LAPACK
# value = no (default) or yes
CMake will try to download and build the QUIP library from GitHub,
if it is not found on the local machine. This requires to have git
installed. It will use the same compilers and flags as used for
compiling LAMMPS. Currently this is only supported for the GNU
and the Intel compilers. Set the QUIP_LIBRARY
variable if you
want to use a previously compiled and installed QUIP library and
CMake cannot find it.
The QUIP library requires LAPACK (and BLAS) and CMake can identify
their locations and pass that info to the QUIP build script. But
on some systems this triggers a (current) limitation of CMake and
the configuration will fail. Try enabling USE_INTERNAL_LINALG
those cases to use the bundled linear algebra library and work around
the limitation.
The download/build procedure for the QUIP library, described in
file requires setting two environment
variables, QUIP_ROOT
. These are accessed by
the lib/quip/Makefile.lammps
file which is used when you
compile and link LAMMPS with this package. You should only need
to edit Makefile.lammps
if the LAMMPS build can not use its
settings to successfully build on your system.
3.7.20. PLUMED package
Before building LAMMPS with this package, you must first build PLUMED. PLUMED can be built as part of the LAMMPS build or installed separately from LAMMPS using the generic PLUMED installation instructions. The PLUMED package has been tested to work with Plumed versions 2.4.x, 2.5.x, and 2.6.x and will error out, when trying to run calculations with a different version of the Plumed kernel.
PLUMED can be linked into MD codes in three different modes: static, shared, and runtime. With the “static” mode, all the code that PLUMED requires is linked statically into LAMMPS. LAMMPS is then fully independent from the PLUMED installation, but you have to rebuild/relink it in order to update the PLUMED code inside it. With the “shared” linkage mode, LAMMPS is linked to a shared library that contains the PLUMED code. This library should preferably be installed in a globally accessible location. When PLUMED is linked in this way the same library can be used by multiple MD packages. Furthermore, the PLUMED library LAMMPS uses can be updated without the need for a recompile of LAMMPS for as long as the shared PLUMED library is ABI-compatible.
The third linkage mode is “runtime” which allows the user to specify which PLUMED kernel should be used at runtime by using the PLUMED_KERNEL environment variable. This variable should point to the location of the libplumedKernel.so dynamical shared object, which is then loaded at runtime. This mode of linking is particularly convenient for doing PLUMED development and comparing multiple PLUMED versions as these sorts of comparisons can be done without recompiling the hosting MD code. All three linkage modes are supported by LAMMPS on selected operating systems (e.g. Linux) and using either CMake or traditional make build. The “static” mode should be the most portable, while the “runtime” mode support in LAMMPS makes the most assumptions about operating system and compiler environment. If one mode does not work, try a different one, switch to a different build system, consider a global PLUMED installation or consider downloading PLUMED during the LAMMPS build.
Instead of including the PLUMED package directly into LAMMPS, it
is also possible to skip this step and build the PLUMED package as
a plugin using the CMake script files in the examples/PACKAGE/plumed/plugin
folder and then load this plugin at runtime with the plugin command.
When the -D PKG_PLUMED=yes
flag is included in the cmake
command you must ensure that the GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
<https://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/> is installed in locations
that are accessible in your environment. There are then two
additional variables that control the manner in which PLUMED is
obtained and linked into LAMMPS.
-D DOWNLOAD_PLUMED=value # download PLUMED for build
# value = no (default) or yes
-D PLUMED_MODE=value # Linkage mode for PLUMED
# value = static (default), shared,
# or runtime
is set to yes
, the PLUMED library will be
downloaded (the version of PLUMED that will be downloaded is
hard-coded to a vetted version of PLUMED, usually a recent stable
release version) and built inside the CMake build directory. If
is set to “no” (the default), CMake will try
to detect and link to an installed version of PLUMED. For this to
work, the PLUMED library has to be installed into a location where
the pkg-config
tool can find it or the PKG_CONFIG_PATH
environment variable has to be set up accordingly. PLUMED should
be installed in such a location if you compile it using the
default make; make install commands.
setting determines the linkage mode for the
PLUMED library. The allowed values for this flag are “static”
(default), “shared”, or “runtime”. If you want to switch the
linkage mode, just re-run CMake with a different setting. For a
discussion of PLUMED linkage modes, please see above. When
is enabled the static linkage mode is
PLUMED needs to be installed before the PLUMED package is installed so that LAMMPS can find the right settings when compiling and linking the LAMMPS executable. You can either download and build PLUMED inside the LAMMPS plumed library folder or use a previously installed PLUMED library and point LAMMPS to its location. You also have to choose the linkage mode: “static” (default), “shared” or “runtime”. For a discussion of PLUMED linkage modes, please see above.
Download/compilation/configuration of the plumed library can be done from the src folder through the following make args:
# print help message
make lib-plumed
# download and build PLUMED in lib/plumed/plumed2
make lib-plumed args="-b"
# use existing PLUMED installation in $HOME/.local
make lib-plumed args="-p $HOME/.local"
# use existing PLUMED installation in /usr/local and
# use shared linkage mode
make lib-plumed args="-p /usr/local -m shared"
Note that two symbolic (soft) links, includelink
and liblink
are created in lib/plumed
that point to the location of the PLUMED
build to use. A new file lib/plumed/Makefile.lammps
is also
created with settings suitable for LAMMPS to compile and link
PLUMED using the desired linkage mode. After this step is
completed, you can install the PLUMED package and compile
LAMMPS in the usual manner:
make yes-plumed
make machine
Once this compilation completes you should be able to run LAMMPS
in the usual way. For shared linkage mode, libplumed.so must be
found by the LAMMPS executable, which on many operating systems
means, you have to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
environment variable
Support for the different linkage modes in LAMMPS varies for different operating systems, using the static linkage is expected to be the most portable, and thus set to be the default.
If you want to change the linkage mode, you have to re-run make
with the desired settings and do a re-install if
the PLUMED package with make yes-plumed
to update the
required makefile settings with the changes in the lib/plumed
3.7.21. H5MD package
To build with this package you must have the HDF5 software package installed on your system, which should include the h5cc compiler and the HDF5 library.
No additional settings are needed besides -D PKG_H5MD=yes
This should auto-detect the H5MD library on your system. Several advanced CMake H5MD options exist if you need to specify where it is installed. Use the ccmake (terminal window) or cmake-gui (graphical) tools to see these options and set them interactively from their user interfaces.
Before building LAMMPS, you must build the CH5MD library in
. You can do this manually if you prefer; follow the
instructions in lib/h5md/README
. You can also do it in one
step from the lammps/src
dir, using a command like these,
which simply invokes the lib/h5md/Install.py
script with the
specified args:
make lib-h5md # print help message
make lib-h5md args="-m h5cc" # build with h5cc compiler
The build should produce two files: lib/h5md/libch5md.a
. The latter is copied from an
existing Makefile.lammps.*
and has settings needed to build
LAMMPS with the system HDF5 library. If necessary, you can
edit/create a new lib/h5md/Makefile.machine
file for your
system, which should define an EXTRAMAKE variable to specify a
corresponding Makefile.lammps.<machine>
3.7.22. ML-HDNNP package
To build with the ML-HDNNP package it is required to download and build the
external n2p2 library v2.1.4
(or higher). The LAMMPS build process offers an automatic download and
compilation of n2p2 or allows you to choose the installation directory of
n2p2 manually. Please see the boxes below for the CMake and traditional build
system for detailed information.
In case of a manual installation of n2p2 you only need to build the n2p2 core
library libnnp
and interface library libnnpif
. When using GCC it should
suffice to execute make libnnpif
in the n2p2 src
directory. For more
details please see lib/hdnnp/README
and the n2p2 build documentation.
-D DOWNLOAD_N2P2=value # download n2p2 for build
# value = no (default) or yes
-D N2P2_DIR=path # n2p2 base directory
# (only needed if a custom location)
is set, the n2p2 library will be downloaded and
built inside the CMake build directory. If the n2p2 library is already
on your system (in a location CMake cannot find it), set the N2P2_DIR
to path where n2p2 is located. If n2p2 is located directly in
it will be automatically found by CMake.
You can download and build the n2p2 library manually if you prefer;
follow the instructions in lib/hdnnp/README
. You can also do it in
one step from the lammps/src
dir, using a command like these, which
simply invokes the lib/hdnnp/Install.py
script with the specified args:
# print help message
make lib-hdnnp
# download and build in lib/hdnnp/n2p2-...
make lib-hdnnp args="-b"
# download and build specific version
make lib-hdnnp args="-b -v 2.1.4"
# use the existing n2p2 installation in /usr/local/n2p2
make lib-hdnnp args="-p /usr/local/n2p2"
Note that three symbolic (soft) links, includelink
, liblink
, will be created in lib/hdnnp
to point to
, n2p2/lib
and n2p2/lib/Makefile.lammps-extra
respectively. When LAMMPS is built in src
it will use these links.
3.7.23. INTEL package
To build with this package, you must choose which hardware you want to build for, either x86 CPUs or Intel KNLs in offload mode. You should also typically install the OPENMP package, as it can be used in tandem with the INTEL package to good effect, as explained on the INTEL package page.
When using Intel compilers version 16.0 or later is required. You can also use the GNU or Clang compilers and they will provide performance improvements over regular styles and OPENMP styles, but less so than with the Intel compilers. Please also note, that some compilers have been found to apply memory alignment constraints incompletely or incorrectly and thus can cause segmentation faults in otherwise correct code when using features from the INTEL package.
-D INTEL_ARCH=value # value = cpu (default) or knl
-D INTEL_LRT_MODE=value # value = threads, none, or c++11
Choose which hardware to compile for in Makefile.machine via the
following settings. See src/MAKE/OPTIONS/Makefile.intel_cpu*
and Makefile.knl
files for examples. and
for additional information.
For CPUs:
OPTFLAGS = -xHost -O2 -fp-model fast=2 -no-prec-div -qoverride-limits -qopt-zmm-usage=high
CCFLAGS = -g -qopenmp -DLAMMPS_MEMALIGN=64 -no-offload -fno-alias -ansi-alias -restrict $(OPTFLAGS)
LINKFLAGS = -g -qopenmp $(OPTFLAGS)
LIB = -ltbbmalloc
For KNLs:
OPTFLAGS = -xMIC-AVX512 -O2 -fp-model fast=2 -no-prec-div -qoverride-limits
CCFLAGS = -g -qopenmp -DLAMMPS_MEMALIGN=64 -no-offload -fno-alias -ansi-alias -restrict $(OPTFLAGS)
LINKFLAGS = -g -qopenmp $(OPTFLAGS)
LIB = -ltbbmalloc
In Long-range thread mode (LRT) a modified verlet style is used, that operates the Kspace calculation in a separate thread concurrently to other calculations. This has to be enabled in the package intel command at runtime. With the setting “threads” it used the pthreads library, while “c++11” will use the built-in thread support of C++11 compilers. The option “none” skips compilation of this feature. The default is to use “threads” if pthreads is available and otherwise “none”.
Best performance is achieved with Intel hardware, Intel compilers, as well as the Intel TBB and MKL libraries. However, the code also compiles, links, and runs with other compilers / hardware and without TBB and MKL.
3.7.24. MDI package
-D DOWNLOAD_MDI=value # download MDI Library for build
# value = no (default) or yes
Before building LAMMPS, you must build the MDI Library in
. You can do this by executing a command like one
of the following from the lib/mdi
python Install.py -m gcc # build using gcc compiler
python Install.py -m icc # build using icc compiler
The build should produce two files: lib/mdi/includelink/mdi.h
and lib/mdi/liblink/libmdi.so
3.7.25. MISC package
The fix imd style in this package can be run either synchronously (communication with IMD clients is done in the main process) or asynchronously (the fix spawns a separate thread that can communicate with IMD clients concurrently to the LAMMPS execution).
-D LAMMPS_ASYNC_IMD=value # Run IMD server asynchronously
# value = no (default) or yes
To enable asynchronous mode the -DLAMMPS_ASYNC_IMD
needs to be added to the LMP_INC
variable in the
you are using. For example:
3.7.26. MOLFILE package
-D MOLFILE_INCLUDE_DIR=path # (optional) path where VMD molfile
# plugin headers are installed
Using -D PKG_MOLFILE=yes
enables the package, and setting
allows to provide a custom location for
the molfile plugin header files. These should match the ABI of the
plugin files used, and thus one typically sets them to include
folder of the local VMD installation in use. LAMMPS ships with a
couple of default header files that correspond to a popular VMD
version, usually the latest release.
The lib/molfile/Makefile.lammps
file has a setting for a
dynamic loading library libdl.a that is typically present on all
systems. It is required for LAMMPS to link with this package. If
the setting is not valid for your system, you will need to edit
the Makefile.lammps file. See lib/molfile/README
for details. It is also possible
to configure a different folder with the VMD molfile plugin header
files. LAMMPS ships with a couple of default headers, but these
are not compatible with all VMD versions, so it is often best to
change this setting to the location of the same include files of
the local VMD installation in use.
3.7.27. NETCDF package
To build with this package you must have the NetCDF library installed on your system.
No additional settings are needed besides -D PKG_NETCDF=yes
This should auto-detect the NETCDF library if it is installed on
your system at standard locations. Several advanced CMake NETCDF
options exist if you need to specify where it was installed. Use
the ccmake
(terminal window) or cmake-gui
tools to see these options and set them interactively from their
user interfaces.
The lib/netcdf/Makefile.lammps
file has settings for NetCDF
include and library files which LAMMPS needs to build with this
package. If the settings are not valid for your system, you will
need to edit the Makefile.lammps
file. See
for details.
3.7.28. OPENMP package
No additional settings are required besides -D
. If CMake detects OpenMP compiler support, the
OPENMP code will be compiled with multi-threading support
enabled, otherwise as optimized serial code.
To enable multi-threading support in the OPENMP package (and
other styles supporting OpenMP) the following compile and link
flags must be added to your Makefile.machine file. See
for an example.
CCFLAGS: -fopenmp # for GNU and Clang Compilers
CCFLAGS: -qopenmp -restrict # for Intel compilers on Linux
LINKFLAGS: -fopenmp # for GNU and Clang Compilers
LINKFLAGS: -qopenmp # for Intel compilers on Linux
For other platforms and compilers, please consult the documentation about OpenMP support for your compiler.
Adding OpenMP support on macOS
Apple offers the Xcode package and IDE for compiling software on
macOS, so you have likely installed it to compile LAMMPS. Their
compiler is based on Clang, but while it
is capable of processing OpenMP directives, the necessary header
files and OpenMP runtime library are missing. The R developers have figured out a way to build those
in a compatible fashion. One can download them from
https://mac.r-project.org/openmp/. Simply adding those files as
instructed enables the Xcode C++ compiler to compile LAMMPS with -D
3.7.29. QMMM package
For using LAMMPS to do QM/MM simulations via the QMMM package you
need to build LAMMPS as a library. A LAMMPS executable with fix
qmmm included can be built, but will not be able to do a
QM/MM simulation on as such. You must also build a QM code - currently
only Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) is supported - and create a new executable
which links LAMMPS and the QM code together. Details are given in the
file. It is also recommended to read the
instructions for linking with LAMMPS as a library
for background information. This requires compatible Quantum Espresso
and LAMMPS versions. The current interface and makefiles have last been
verified to work in February 2020 with Quantum Espresso versions 6.3 to
When using CMake, building a LAMMPS library is required and it is recommended to build a shared library, since any libraries built from the sources in the lib folder (including the essential libqmmm.a) are not included in the static LAMMPS library and (currently) not installed, while their code is included in the shared LAMMPS library. Thus a typical command to configure building LAMMPS for QMMM would be:
cmake -C ../cmake/presets/basic.cmake -D PKG_QMMM=yes \
After completing the LAMMPS build and also configuring and
compiling Quantum ESPRESSO with external library support (via
“make couple”), go back to the lib/qmmm
folder and follow the
instructions on the README file to build the combined LAMMPS/QE
QM/MM executable (pwqmmm.x) in the lib/qmmm
Before building LAMMPS, you must build the QMMM library in
. You can do this manually if you prefer; follow the
first two steps explained in lib/qmmm/README
. You can also do
it in one step from the lammps/src
dir, using a command like
these, which simply invokes the lib/qmmm/Install.py
script with
the specified args:
# print help message
make lib-qmmm
# build with GNU Fortran compiler (settings as in "make serial")
make lib-qmmm args="-m serial"
# build with default MPI compiler (settings as in "make mpi")
make lib-qmmm args="-m mpi"
# build with GNU Fortran compiler
make lib-qmmm args="-m gfortran"
The build should produce two files: lib/qmmm/libqmmm.a
. The latter is copied from an
existing Makefile.lammps.*
and has settings needed to build
LAMMPS with the QMMM library (though typically the settings are
just blank). If necessary, you can edit/create a new
file for your system, which should
define an EXTRAMAKE
variable to specify a corresponding
You can then install QMMM package and build LAMMPS in the usual
manner. After completing the LAMMPS build and compiling Quantum
ESPRESSO with external library support (via make couple
), go
back to the lib/qmmm
folder and follow the instructions in the
README file to build the combined LAMMPS/QE QM/MM executable
) in the lib/qmmm
3.7.30. RHEO package
This package depends on the BPM package.
-D PKG_RHEO=yes # enable the package itself
-D PKG_BPM=yes # the RHEO package requires BPM
-D USE_INTERNAL_LINALG=value # prefer internal LAPACK if true
Some features in the RHEO package are dependent on code in the BPM package so the latter one must be enabled as well.
The RHEO package also requires LAPACK (and BLAS) and CMake
can identify their locations and pass that info to the RHEO
build script. But on some systems this may cause problems when
linking or the dependency is not desired. By using the setting
when running the CMake
configuration, you will select compiling and linking the bundled
linear algebra library and work around the limitations.
The RHEO package requires LAPACK (and BLAS) which can be either
a system provided library or the bundled “linalg” library. This
is a subset of LAPACK translated to C++. For that, one of the
provided Makefile.lammps.<config>
files needs to be copied
to Makefile.lammps
and edited as needed. The default file
uses the bundled “linalg” library, which can be built by
make lib-linalg args='-m serial'
in the src
3.7.31. SCAFACOS package
To build with this package, you must download and build the ScaFaCoS Coulomb solver library
-D DOWNLOAD_SCAFACOS=value # download ScaFaCoS for build, value = no (default) or yes
-D SCAFACOS_LIBRARY=path # ScaFaCos library file (only needed if at custom location)
-D SCAFACOS_INCLUDE_DIR=path # ScaFaCoS include directory (only needed if at custom location)
is set, the ScaFaCoS library will be
downloaded and built inside the CMake build directory. If the
ScaFaCoS library is already on your system (in a location CMake
cannot find it), SCAFACOS_LIBRARY
is the filename (plus path) of
the ScaFaCoS library file, not the directory the library file is
is the directory the ScaFaCoS include
file is in.
You can download and build the ScaFaCoS library manually if you
prefer; follow the instructions in lib/scafacos/README
. You
can also do it in one step from the lammps/src
dir, using a
command like these, which simply invokes the
script with the specified args:
# print help message
make lib-scafacos
# download and build in lib/scafacos/scafacos-<version>
make lib-scafacos args="-b"
# use existing ScaFaCoS installation in $HOME/scafacos
make lib-scafacos args="-p $HOME/scafacos
Note that two symbolic (soft) links, includelink
and liblink
, are
created in lib/scafacos
to point to the ScaFaCoS src dir. When LAMMPS
builds in src it will use these links. You should not need to edit
the lib/scafacos/Makefile.lammps
3.7.32. VTK package
To build with this package you must have the VTK library installed on your system.
No additional settings are needed besides -D PKG_VTK=yes
This should auto-detect the VTK library if it is installed on your
system at standard locations. Several advanced VTK options exist
if you need to specify where it was installed. Use the ccmake
(terminal window) or cmake-gui
(graphical) tools to see these
options and set them interactively from their user interfaces.
The lib/vtk/Makefile.lammps
file has settings for accessing
VTK files and its library, which LAMMPS needs to build with this
package. If the settings are not valid for your system, check if
one of the other lib/vtk/Makefile.lammps.*
files is compatible
and copy it to Makefile.lammps. If none of the provided files
work, you will need to edit the Makefile.lammps
file. See
for details.