dump command

dump vtk command

dump h5md command

dump molfile command

dump netcdf command

dump image command

dump movie command

dump atom/adios command

dump custom/adios command

dump cfg/uef command


dump ID group-ID style N file attribute1 attribute2 ...
  • ID = user-assigned name for the dump

  • group-ID = ID of the group of atoms to be dumped

  • style = atom or atom/adios or atom/gz or atom/zstd or cfg or cfg/gz or cfg/zstd or cfg/uef or custom or custom/gz or custom/zstd or custom/adios or dcd or grid or grid/vtk or h5md or image or local or local/gz or local/zstd or molfile or movie or netcdf or netcdf/mpiio or vtk or xtc or xyz or xyz/gz or xyz/zstd or yaml

  • N = dump on timesteps which are multiples of N

  • file = name of file to write dump info to

  • attribute1,attribute2,… = list of attributes for a particular style

    atom attributes = none
    atom/adios attributes = none,  discussed on dump atom/adios page
    atom/gz attributes = none
    atom/zstd attributes = none
    cfg attributes = same as custom attributes, see below
    cfg/gz attributes = same as custom attributes, see below
    cfg/zstd attributes = same as custom attributes, see below
    cfg/uef attributes = same as custom attributes, discussed on dump cfg/uef page
    custom, custom/gz, custom/zstd attributes = see below
    custom/adios attributes = same as custom attributes, discussed on dump custom/adios page
    dcd attributes = none
    h5md attributes = discussed on dump h5md page
    grid attributes = see below
    grid/vtk attributes = see below
    image attributes = discussed on dump image page
    local, local/gz, local/zstd attributes = see below
    molfile attributes = discussed on dump molfile page
    movie attributes = discussed on dump image page
    netcdf attributes = discussed on dump netcdf page
    netcdf/mpiio attributes = discussed on dump netcdf page
    vtk attributes = same as custom attributes, see below, also dump vtk page
    xtc attributes = none
    xyz attributes = none
    xyz/gz attributes = none
    xyz/zstd attributes = none
    yaml attributes = same as custom attributes, see below
  • custom or custom/gz or custom/zstd or cfg or cfg/gz or cfg/zstd or cfg/uef or netcdf or netcdf/mpiio or yaml attributes:

    possible attributes = id, mol, proc, procp1, type, element, mass,
                          x, y, z, xs, ys, zs, xu, yu, zu,
                          xsu, ysu, zsu, ix, iy, iz,
                          vx, vy, vz, fx, fy, fz,
                          q, mux, muy, muz, mu,
                          radius, diameter, omegax, omegay, omegaz,
                          angmomx, angmomy, angmomz, tqx, tqy, tqz,
                          c_ID, c_ID[I], f_ID, f_ID[I], v_name,
                          i_name, d_name, i2_name[I], d2_name[I]
    id = atom ID
    mol = molecule ID
    proc = ID of processor that owns atom
    procp1 = ID+1 of processor that owns atom
    type = atom type
    typelabel = atom type label
    element = name of atom element, as defined by dump_modify command
    mass = atom mass
    x,y,z = unscaled atom coordinates
    xs,ys,zs = scaled atom coordinates
    xu,yu,zu = unwrapped atom coordinates
    xsu,ysu,zsu = scaled unwrapped atom coordinates
    ix,iy,iz = box image that the atom is in
    vx,vy,vz = atom velocities
    fx,fy,fz = forces on atoms
    q = atom charge
    mux,muy,muz = orientation of dipole moment of atom
    mu = magnitude of dipole moment of atom
    radius,diameter = radius, diameter of spherical particle
    omegax,omegay,omegaz = angular velocity of spherical particle
    angmomx,angmomy,angmomz = angular momentum of aspherical particle
    tqx,tqy,tqz = torque on finite-size particles
    c_ID = per-atom vector calculated by a compute with ID
    c_ID[I] = Ith column of per-atom array calculated by a compute with ID, I can include wildcard (see below)
    f_ID = per-atom vector calculated by a fix with ID
    f_ID[I] = Ith column of per-atom array calculated by a fix with ID, I can include wildcard (see below)
    v_name = per-atom vector calculated by an atom-style variable with name
    i_name = custom integer vector with name
    d_name = custom floating point vector with name
    i2_name[I] = Ith column of custom integer array with name, I can include wildcard (see below)
    d2_name[I] = Ith column of custom floating point vector with name, I can include wildcard (see below)
  • local or local/gz or local/zstd attributes:

    possible attributes = index, c_ID, c_ID[I], f_ID, f_ID[I]
      index = enumeration of local values
      c_ID = local vector calculated by a compute with ID
      c_ID[I] = Ith column of local array calculated by a compute with ID, I can include wildcard (see below)
      f_ID = local vector calculated by a fix with ID
      f_ID[I] = Ith column of local array calculated by a fix with ID, I can include wildcard (see below)
  • grid or grid/vtk attributes:

    possible attributes = c_ID:gname:dname, c_ID:gname:dname[I], f_ID:gname:dname, f_ID:gname:dname[I]
      gname = name of grid defined by compute or fix
      dname = name of data field defined by compute or fix
      c_ID = per-grid vector calculated by a compute with ID
      c_ID[I] = Ith column of per-grid array calculated by a compute with ID, I can include wildcard (see below)
      f_ID = per-grid vector calculated by a fix with ID
      f_ID[I] = Ith column of per-grid array calculated by a fix with ID, I can include wildcard (see below)


dump myDump all atom 100 dump.lammpstrj
dump myDump all atom/gz 100 dump.atom.gz
dump myDump all atom/zstd 100 dump.atom.zst
dump 2 subgroup atom 50 dump.run.bin
dump 4a all custom 100 dump.myforce.* id type x y vx fx
dump 4a all custom 100 dump.myvel.lammpsbin id type x y z vx vy vz
dump 4b flow custom 100 dump.%.myforce id type c_myF[3] v_ke
dump 4b flow custom 100 dump.%.myforce id type c_myF[*] v_ke
dump 2 inner cfg 10 dump.snap.*.cfg mass type xs ys zs vx vy vz
dump snap all cfg 100 dump.config.*.cfg mass type xs ys zs id type c_Stress[2]
dump 1 all xtc 1000 file.xtc


Dump a snapshot of quantities to one or more files once every N timesteps in one of several styles. The timesteps on which dump output is written can also be controlled by a variable. See the dump_modify every command.

Almost all the styles output per-atom data, i.e. one or more values per atom. The exceptions are as follows. The local styles output one or more values per bond (angle, dihedral, improper) or per pair of interacting atoms (force or neighbor interactions). The grid styles output one or more values per grid cell, which are produced by other commands which overlay the simulation domain with a regular grid. See the Howto grid doc page for details. The image style renders a JPG, PNG, or PPM image file of the system for each snapshot, while the movie style combines and compresses the series of images into a movie file; both styles are discussed in detail on the dump image page.

Only information for atoms in the specified group is dumped. The dump_modify thresh and region and refresh commands can also alter what atoms are included. Not all styles support these options; see details on the dump_modify doc page.

As described below, the filename determines the kind of output: text or binary or gzipped, one big file or one per timestep, one file for all the processors or multiple smaller files.


Because periodic boundary conditions are enforced only on timesteps when neighbor lists are rebuilt, the coordinates of an atom written to a dump file may be slightly outside the simulation box. Re-neighbor timesteps will not typically coincide with the timesteps dump snapshots are written. See the dump_modify pbc command if you wish to force coordinates to be strictly inside the simulation box.


Unless the dump_modify sort option is invoked, the lines of atom or grid information written to dump files (typically one line per atom or grid cell) will be in an indeterminate order for each snapshot. This is even true when running on a single processor, if the atom_modify sort option is on, which it is by default. In this case atoms are re-ordered periodically during a simulation, due to spatial sorting. It is also true when running in parallel, because data for a single snapshot is collected from multiple processors, each of which owns a subset of the atoms.


Without either including atom IDs or using the dump_modify sort option, it is impossible for visualization programs (e.g. OVITO or VMD) or analysis tools to assign data in different frames consistently to the same atom. This can lead to incorrect visualizations or results. LAMMPS will print a warning in such cases.

For the atom, custom, cfg, grid, and local styles, sorting is off by default. For the dcd, grid/vtk, xtc, xyz, and molfile styles, sorting by atom ID or grid ID is on by default. See the dump_modify page for details.

The style keyword determines what kind of data is written to the dump file(s) and in what format.

Note that atom, custom, dcd, xtc, xyz, and yaml style dump files can be read directly by VMD, a popular tool for visualizing and analyzing trajectories from atomic and molecular systems. For reading netcdf style dump files, the netcdf plugin needs to be recompiled from source using a NetCDF version compatible with the one used by LAMMPS. The bundled plugin binary uses a very old version of NetCDF that is not compatible with LAMMPS.

Likewise the OVITO visualization package, popular for materials modeling, can read the atom, custom, local, xtc, cfg, netcdf, and xyz style atom dump files directly. With version 3.8 and above, OVITO can also read and visualize grid style dump files with grid cell data, including iso-surface images of the grid cell values.

Note that settings made via the dump_modify command can also alter the format of individual values and content of the dump file itself. This includes the precision of values output to text-based dump files which is controlled by the dump_modify format command and its options.

Format of native LAMMPS format dump files:

The atom, custom, grid, and local styles create files in a simple LAMMPS-specific text format that is mostly self-explanatory when viewing a dump file. Many post-processing tools either included with LAMMPS or third-party tools can read this format, as does the rerun command. See tools described on the Tools doc page for examples, including Pizza.py.

For all these styles, the dimensions of the simulation box are included in each snapshot. The simulation box in LAMMPS can be defined in one of 3 ways: orthogonal, restricted triclinic, and general triclinic. See the Howto triclinic doc page for a detailed description of all 3 options.

For an orthogonal simulation box the box information is formatted as:

xlo xhi
ylo yhi
zlo zhi

where xlo,xhi are the maximum extents of the simulation box in the x-dimension, and similarly for y and z. The “xx yy zz” terms are six characters that encode the style of boundary for each of the six simulation box boundaries (xlo,xhi; ylo,yhi; and zlo,zhi). Each of the six characters is one of p (periodic), f (fixed), s (shrink wrap), or m (shrink wrapped with a minimum value). See the boundary command for details.

For a restricted triclinic simulation box, an orthogonal bounding box which encloses the restricted triclinic simulation box is output, along with the three tilt factors (xy, xz, yz) of the triclinic box, formatted as follows:

ITEM: BOX BOUNDS xy xz yz xx yy zz
xlo_bound xhi_bound xy
ylo_bound yhi_bound xz
zlo_bound zhi_bound yz

The presence of the text “xy xz yz” in the ITEM line indicates that the three tilt factors will be included on each of the three following lines. This bounding box is convenient for many visualization programs. The meaning of the six character flags for “xx yy zz” is the same as above.

Note that the first two numbers on each line are now xlo_bound instead of xlo, etc. because they represent a bounding box. See the Howto triclinic page for a geometric description of triclinic boxes, as defined by LAMMPS, simple formulas for how the six bounding box extents (xlo_bound, xhi_bound, etc.) are calculated from the triclinic parameters, and how to transform those parameters to and from other commonly used triclinic representations.

For a general triclinic simulation box, see the “General triclinic” section below for a description of the ITEM: BOX BOUNDS format as well as how per-atom coordinates and per-atom vector quantities are output.

The atom and custom styles output a “ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS” line with the count of atoms in the snapshot. Likewise they output an “ITEM: ATOMS” line which includes column descriptors for the per-atom lines that follow. For example, the descriptors would be “id type xs ys zs” for the default atom style, and would be the atom attributes you specify in the dump command for the custom style. Each subsequent line will list the data for a single atom.

For style atom, atom coordinates are written to the file, along with the atom ID and atom type. By default, atom coords are written in a scaled format (from 0 to 1). That is, an x value of 0.25 means the atom is at a location 1/4 of the distance from xlo to xhi of the box boundaries. The format can be changed to unscaled coords via the dump_modify settings. Image flags can also be added for each atom via dump_modify.

Style custom allows you to specify a list of atom attributes to be written to the dump file for each atom. Possible attributes are listed above and will appear in the order specified. You cannot specify a quantity that is not defined for a particular simulation—such as q for atom style bond, since that atom style does not assign charges. Dumps occur at the very end of a timestep, so atom attributes will include effects due to fixes that are applied during the timestep. An explanation of the possible dump custom attributes is given below.

Added in version 22Dec2022.

For style grid the dimension of the simulation domain and size of the Nx by Ny by Nz grid that overlays the simulation domain are also output with each snapshot:

nx ny nz

The value dim will be 2 or 3 for 2d or 3d simulations. It is included so that post-processing tools like OVITO, which can visualize grid-based quantities know how to draw each grid cell. The grid size will match the input script parameters for grid(s) created by the computes or fixes which are referenced by the the dump command. For 2d simulations (and grids), nz will always be 1.

There will also be an “ITEM: GRID DATA” line which includes column descriptors for the per grid cell data. Each subsequent line (Nx * Ny * Nz lines) will list the data for a single grid cell. If grid cell IDs are included in the output via the compute property/grid command, then the IDs will range from 1 to N = Nx*Ny*Nz. The ordering of IDs is with the x index varying fastest, then the y index, and the z index varying slowest.

For style local, local output generated by computes and fixes is used to generate lines of output that is written to the dump file. This local data is typically calculated by each processor based on the atoms it owns, but there may be zero or more entities per atom (e.g., a list of bond distances). An explanation of the possible dump local attributes is given below. Note that by using input from the compute property/local command with dump local, it is possible to generate information on bonds, angles, etc. that can be cut and pasted directly into a data file read by the read_data command.

Dump files in other popular formats:


This section only discusses file formats relevant to this doc page. The top of this page has links to other dump commands (with their own pages) which write files in additional popular formats.

Style cfg has the same command syntax as style custom and writes extended CFG format files, as used by the AtomEye visualization package. Since the extended CFG format uses a single snapshot of the system per file, a wildcard “*” must be included in the filename, as discussed below. The list of atom attributes for style cfg must begin with either “mass type xs ys zs” or “mass type xsu ysu zsu” since these quantities are needed to write the CFG files in the appropriate format (though the “mass” and “type” fields do not appear explicitly in the file). Any remaining attributes will be stored as “auxiliary properties” in the CFG files. Note that you will typically want to use the dump_modify element command with CFG-formatted files, to associate element names with atom types, so that AtomEye can render atoms appropriately. When unwrapped coordinates xsu, ysu, and zsu are requested, the nominal AtomEye periodic cell dimensions are expanded by a large factor UNWRAPEXPAND = 10.0, which ensures atoms that are displayed correctly for up to UNWRAPEXPAND/2 periodic boundary crossings in any direction. Beyond this, AtomEye will rewrap the unwrapped coordinates. The expansion causes the atoms to be drawn farther away from the viewer, but it is easy to zoom the atoms closer, and the interatomic distances are unaffected.

The dcd style writes DCD files, a standard atomic trajectory format used by the CHARMM, NAMD, and XPlor molecular dynamics packages. DCD files are binary and thus may not be portable to different machines. The number of atoms per snapshot cannot change with the dcd style. The unwrap option of the dump_modify command allows DCD coordinates to be written “unwrapped” by the image flags for each atom. Unwrapped means that if the atom has passed through a periodic boundary one or more times, the value is printed for what the coordinate would be if it had not been wrapped back into the periodic box. Note that these coordinates may thus be far outside the box size stored with the snapshot.

The xtc style writes XTC files, a compressed trajectory format used by the GROMACS molecular dynamics package, and described here. The precision used in XTC files can be adjusted via the dump_modify command. The default value of 1000 means that coordinates are stored to 1/1000 nanometer accuracy. XTC files are portable binary files written in the NFS XDR data format, so that any machine which supports XDR should be able to read them. The number of atoms per snapshot cannot change with the xtc style. The unwrap option of the dump_modify command allows XTC coordinates to be written “unwrapped” by the image flags for each atom. Unwrapped means that if the atom has passed through a periodic boundary one or more times, the value is printed for what the coordinate would be if it had not been wrapped back into the periodic box. Note that these coordinates may thus be far outside the box size stored with the snapshot.

The xyz style writes XYZ files, which is a simple text-based coordinate format that many codes can read. Specifically it has a line with the number of atoms, then a comment line that is usually ignored followed by one line per atom with the atom type and the x-, y-, and z-coordinate of that atom. You can use the dump_modify element option to change the output from using the (numerical) atom type to an element name (or some other label). This option will help many visualization programs to guess bonds and colors. You can use the dump_modify types labels option to replace numeric atom types with type labels.

Added in version 22Dec2022.

The grid/vtk style writes VTK files for grid data on a regular rectilinear grid. Its content is conceptually similar to that of the text file produced by the grid style, except that it in an XML-based format which visualization programs which support the VTK format can read, e.g. the ParaView tool. For this style, there can only be 1 or 3 per grid cell attributes specified. If it is a single value, it is a scalar quantity. If 3 values are specified it is encoded in the VTK file as a vector quantity (for each grid cell). The filename for this style must include a “*” wildcard character to produce one file per snapshot; see details below.

Added in version 4May2022.

Dump style yaml has the same command syntax as style custom and writes YAML format files that can be easily parsed by a variety of data processing tools and programming languages. Each timestep will be written as a YAML “document” (i.e., starts with “—” and ends with “…”). The style supports writing one file per timestep through the “*” wildcard but not multi-processor outputs with the “%” token in the filename. In addition to per-atom data, thermo data can be included in the yaml style dump file using the dump_modify thermo yes. The data included in the dump file uses the “thermo” tag and is otherwise identical to data specified by the thermo_style command.

Below is an example for a YAML format dump created by the following commands.

dump out all yaml 100 dump.yaml id type x y z vx vy vz ix iy iz
dump_modify out time yes units yes thermo yes format 1 %5d format "% 10.6e"

The tags “time”, “units”, and “thermo” are optional and enabled by the dump_modify command. The list under the “box” tag has three lines for orthogonal boxes and four lines for triclinic boxes, where the first three are the box boundaries and the fourth the three tilt factors (xy, xz, yz). The “thermo” data follows the format of the yaml thermo style. The “keywords” tag lists the per-atom properties contained in the “data” columns, which contain a list with one line per atom. The keywords may be renamed using the dump_modify command same as for the custom dump style.

creator: LAMMPS
timestep: 0
units: lj
time: 0
natoms: 4000
boundary: [ p, p, p, p, p, p, ]
  - keywords: [ Step, Temp, E_pair, E_mol, TotEng, Press, ]
  - data: [ 0, 0, -27093.472213010766, 0, 0, 0, ]
  - [ 0, 16.795961913825074 ]
  - [ 0, 16.795961913825074 ]
  - [ 0, 16.795961913825074 ]
  - [ 0, 0, 0 ]
keywords: [ id, type, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, ix, iy, iz,  ]
  - [     1 , 1 ,  0.000000e+00 ,  0.000000e+00 ,  0.000000e+00 ,  -1.841579e-01 , -9.710036e-01 , -2.934617e+00 , 0 , 0 , 0, ]
  - [     2 , 1 ,  8.397981e-01 ,  8.397981e-01 ,  0.000000e+00 ,  -1.799591e+00 ,  2.127197e+00 ,  2.298572e+00 , 0 , 0 , 0, ]
  - [     3 , 1 ,  8.397981e-01 ,  0.000000e+00 ,  8.397981e-01 ,  -1.807682e+00 , -9.585130e-01 ,  1.605884e+00 , 0 , 0 , 0, ]

timestep: 100
units: lj
time: 0.5



Frequency of dump output:

Dumps are performed on timesteps that are a multiple of N (including timestep 0) and on the last timestep of a minimization if the minimization converges. Note that this means a dump will not be performed on the initial timestep after the dump command is invoked, if the current timestep is not a multiple of N. This behavior can be changed via the dump_modify first command, which can also be useful if the dump command is invoked after a minimization ended on an arbitrary timestep.

The value of N can be changed between runs by using the dump_modify every command (not allowed for dcd style). The dump_modify every command also allows a variable to be used to determine the sequence of timesteps on which dump files are written. In this mode a dump on the first timestep of a run will also not be written unless the dump_modify first command is used.

If you instead want to dump snapshots based on simulation time (in time units of the units command command), the dump_modify every/time command can be used. This can be useful when the timestep size varies during a simulation run, e.g. by use of the fix dt/reset command.

Dump filenames:

The specified dump filename determines how the dump file(s) is written. The default is to write one large text file, which is opened when the dump command is invoked and closed when an undump command is used or when LAMMPS exits. For the dcd and xtc styles, this is a single large binary file.

Many of the styles allow dump filenames to contain either or both of two wildcard characters. If a “*” character appears in the filename, then one file per snapshot is written and the “*” character is replaced with the timestep value. For example, tmp.dump.* becomes tmp.dump.0, tmp.dump.10000, tmp.dump.20000, etc. This option is not available for the dcd and xtc styles. Note that the dump_modify pad command can be used to ensure all timestep numbers are the same length (e.g., 00010), which can make it easier to read a series of dump files in order with some post-processing tools.

If a “%” character appears in the filename, then each of P processors writes a portion of the dump file, and the “%” character is replaced with the processor ID from 0 to P1. For example, tmp.dump.% becomes tmp.dump.0, tmp.dump.1, … tmp.dump.:math:P-1, etc. This creates smaller files and can be a fast mode of output on parallel machines that support parallel I/O for output. This option is not available for the dcd, xtc, xyz, grid/vtk, and yaml styles.

By default, P is the the number of processors, meaning one file per processor, but P can be set to a smaller value via the nfile or fileper keywords of the dump_modify command. These options can be the most efficient way of writing out dump files when running on large numbers of processors.

Note that using the “*” and “%” characters together can produce a large number of small dump files!

Deprecated since version 21Nov2023.

The MPIIO package and the the corresponding “/mpiio” dump styles, except for the unrelated “netcdf/mpiio” style were removed from LAMMPS.

Compression of dump file data:

If the specified filename ends with “.bin” or “.lammpsbin”, the dump file (or files, if “*” or “%” is also used) is written in binary format. A binary dump file will be about the same size as a text version, but will typically write out much faster. Of course, when post-processing, you will need to convert it back to text format (see the binary2txt tool) or write your own code to read the binary file. The format of the binary file can be understood by looking at the tools/binary2txt.cpp file. This option is only available for the atom and custom styles.

If the filename ends with “.gz”, the dump file (or files, if “*” or “%” is also used) is written in gzipped format. A gzipped dump file will be about 3× smaller than the text version, but will also take longer to write. This option is not available for the dcd and xtc styles.

Note that styles that end with gz are identical in command syntax to the corresponding styles without “gz”, however, they generate compressed files using the zlib library. Thus the filename suffix “.gz” is mandatory. This is an alternative approach to writing compressed files via a pipe, as done by the regular dump styles, which may be required on clusters where the interface to the high-speed network disallows using the fork() library call (which is needed for a pipe). For the remainder of this page, you should thus consider the atom and atom/gz styles (etc.) to be inter-changeable, with the exception of the required filename suffix.

Similarly, styles that end with zstd are identical to the gz styles, but use the Zstd compression library instead and require a “.zst” suffix. See the dump_modify page for details on how to control the compression level in both variants.

General triclinic simulation box output for the atom and custom styles:

As mentioned above, the simulation box can be defined as a general triclinic box, which means that 3 arbitrary box edge vectors A, B, C can be specified. See the Howto triclinic doc page for a detailed description of general triclinic boxes.

This option is provided as a convenience for users who may be converting data from solid-state crystallographic representations or from DFT codes for input to LAMMPS. However, as explained on the Howto_triclinic doc page, internally, LAMMPS only uses restricted triclinic simulation boxes. This means the box and per-atom information (e.g. coordinates, velocities) LAMMPS stores are converted (rotated) from general to restricted triclinic form when the system is created.

For dump output, if the dump_modify triclinic/general command is used, the box description and per-atom coordinates and other per-atom vectors will be converted (rotated) from restricted to general form when each dump file snapshots is output. This option can only be used if the simulation box was initially created as general triclinic. If the option is not used, and the simulation box is general triclinic, then the dump file snapshots will reflect the internal restricted triclinic geometry.

The dump_modify triclinic/general option affects 3 aspects of the dump file output.

First, the format for the BOX BOUNDS is as follows

ITEM: BOX BOUNDS abc origin
ax ay az originx
bx by bz originy
cx cy cz originz

where the A edge vector of the box is (ax,ay,az) and similarly for B and C. The origin of all 3 edge vectors is (originx, originy, originz).

Second, the coordinates of each atom are converted (rotated) so that the atom is inside (or near) the general triclinic box defined by the A, B, C edge vectors. For style atom, this only alters output for unscaled atom coords, via the dump_modify scaled no setting. For style custom, this alters output for either unscaled or unwrapped output of atom coords, via the x,y,z or xu,yu,zu attributes. For output of scaled atom coords by both styles, there is no difference between restricted and general triclinic values.

Third, the output for any attribute of the custom style which represents a per-atom vector quantity will be converted (rotated) to be oriented consistent with the general triclinic box and its orientation relative to the standard xyz coordinate axes.

This applies to the following custom style attributes:

  • vx,vy,vz = atom velocities

  • fx,fy,fz = forces on atoms

  • mux,muy,muz = orientation of dipole moment of atom

  • omegax,omegay,omegaz = angular velocity of spherical particle

  • angmomx,angmomy,angmomz = angular momentum of aspherical particle

  • tqx,tqy,tqz = torque on finite-size particles

For example, if the velocity of an atom in a restricted triclinic box is along the x-axis, then it will be output for a general triclinic box as a vector along the A edge vector of the box.


For style custom, the dump_modify thresh command may access per-atom attributes either directly or indirectly through a compute or variable. If the attribute is an atom coordinate or one of the vectors mentioned above, its value will NOT be a general triclinic (rotated) value. Rather it will be a restricted triclinic value.

Arguments for different styles:

The sections below describe per-atom, local, and per grid cell attributes which can be used as arguments to the various styles.

Note that in the discussion below, for styles which can reference values from a compute or fix or custom atom property, like the custom, cfg, grid or local styles, the bracketed index i can be specified using a wildcard asterisk with the index to effectively specify multiple values. This takes the form “*” or “*n” or “m*” or “m*n”. If N is the number of columns in the array, then an asterisk with no numeric values means all column indices from 1 to N. A leading asterisk means all indices from 1 to n (inclusive). A trailing asterisk means all indices from m to N (inclusive). A middle asterisk means all indices from m to n (inclusive).

Using a wildcard is the same as if the individual columns of the array had been listed one by one. For example, these two dump commands are equivalent, since the compute stress/atom command creates a per-atom array with six columns:

compute myPress all stress/atom NULL
dump 2 all custom 100 tmp.dump id myPress[*]
dump 2 all custom 100 tmp.dump id myPress[1] myPress[2] myPress[3] &
                                  myPress[4] myPress[5] myPress[6]

Per-atom attributes used as arguments to the custom and cfg styles:

The id, mol, proc, procp1, type, typelabel, element, mass, vx, vy, vz, fx, fy, fz, q attributes are self-explanatory.

Id is the atom ID. Mol is the molecule ID, included in the data file for molecular systems. Proc is the ID of the processor (0 to Nprocs1) that currently owns the atom. Procp1 is the proc ID+1, which can be convenient in place of a type attribute (1 to Ntypes) for coloring atoms in a visualization program. Type is the atom type (1 to Ntypes). Typelabel is the atom type label. Element is typically the chemical name of an element, which you must assign to each type via the dump_modify element command. More generally, it can be any string you wish to associated with an atom type. Mass is the atom mass. The quantities vx, vy, vz, fx, fy, fz, and q are components of atom velocity and force and atomic charge.

There are several options for outputting atom coordinates. The x, y, and z attributes write atom coordinates “unscaled”, in the appropriate distance units (, σ, etc.). Use xs, ys, and zs if you want the coordinates “scaled” to the box size so that each value is 0.0 to 1.0. If the simulation box is triclinic (tilted), then all atom coords will still be between 0.0 and 1.0. The actual unscaled (x,y,z) coordinate is xsa+ysb+zsc, where (a,b,c) are the non-orthogonal vectors of the simulation box edges, as discussed on the Howto triclinic page.

Use xu, yu, and zu if you want the coordinates “unwrapped” by the image flags for each atom. Unwrapped means that if the atom has passed through a periodic boundary one or more times, the value is printed for what the coordinate would be if it had not been wrapped back into the periodic box. Note that using xu, yu, and zu means that the coordinate values may be far outside the box bounds printed with the snapshot. Using xsu, ysu, and zsu is similar to using xu, yu, and zu, except that the unwrapped coordinates are scaled by the box size. Atoms that have passed through a periodic boundary will have the corresponding coordinate increased or decreased by 1.0.

The image flags can be printed directly using the ix, iy, and iz attributes. For periodic dimensions, they specify which image of the simulation box the atom is considered to be in. An image of 0 means it is inside the box as defined. A value of 2 means add 2 box lengths to get the true value. A value of 1 means subtract 1 box length to get the true value. LAMMPS updates these flags as atoms cross periodic boundaries during the simulation.

The mux, muy, and muz attributes are specific to dipolar systems defined with an atom style of dipole. They give the orientation of the atom’s point dipole moment. The mu attribute gives the magnitude of the atom’s dipole moment.

The radius and diameter attributes are specific to spherical particles that have a finite size, such as those defined with an atom style of sphere.

The omegax, omegay, and omegaz attributes are specific to finite-size spherical particles that have an angular velocity. Only certain atom styles, such as sphere, define this quantity.

The angmomx, angmomy, and angmomz attributes are specific to finite-size aspherical particles that have an angular momentum. Only the ellipsoid atom style defines this quantity.

The tqx, tqy, and tqz attributes are for finite-size particles that can sustain a rotational torque due to interactions with other particles.

The c_ID and c_ID[I] attributes allow per-atom vectors or arrays calculated by a compute to be output. The ID in the attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the compute that has been defined previously in the input script. See the compute command for details. There are computes for calculating the per-atom energy, stress, centro-symmetry parameter, and coordination number of individual atoms.

Note that computes which calculate global or local quantities, as opposed to per-atom quantities, cannot be output in a dump custom command. Instead, global quantities can be output by the thermo_style custom command, and local quantities can be output by the dump local command.

If c_ID is used as a attribute, then the per-atom vector calculated by the compute is printed. If c_ID[i] is used, then i must be in the range from 1 to M, which will print the ith column of the per-atom array with M columns calculated by the compute. See the discussion above for how i can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively specify multiple values.

The f_ID and f_ID[I] attributes allow vector or array per-atom quantities calculated by a fix to be output. The ID in the attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the fix that has been defined previously in the input script. The fix ave/atom command is one that calculates per-atom quantities. Since it can time-average per-atom quantities produced by any compute, fix, or atom-style variable, this allows those time-averaged results to be written to a dump file.

If f_ID is used as a attribute, then the per-atom vector calculated by the fix is printed. If f_ID[i] is used, then i must be in the range from 1 to M, which will print the ith column of the per-atom array with M columns calculated by the fix. See the discussion above for how i can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively specify multiple values.

The v_name attribute allows per-atom vectors calculated by a variable to be output. The name in the attribute should be replaced by the actual name of the variable that has been defined previously in the input script. Only an atom-style variable can be referenced, since it is the only style that generates per-atom values. Variables of style atom can reference individual atom attributes, per-atom attributes, thermodynamic keywords, or invoke other computes, fixes, or variables when they are evaluated, so this is a very general means of creating quantities to output to a dump file.

The i_name, d_name, i2_name, d2_name attributes refer to custom per-atom integer and floating-point vectors or arrays that have been added via the fix property/atom command. When that command is used specific names are given to each attribute which are the “name” portion of these keywords. For arrays i2_name and d2_name, the column of the array must also be included following the name in brackets (e.g., d2_xyz[i], i2_mySpin[i], where i is in the range from 1 to M, where M is the number of columns in the custom array). See the discussion above for how i can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively specify multiple values.

See the Modify page for information on how to add new compute and fix styles to LAMMPS to calculate per-atom quantities which could then be output into dump files.

Attributes used as arguments to the local style:

The index attribute can be used to generate an index number from 1 to N for each line written into the dump file, where N is the total number of local datums from all processors, or lines of output that will appear in the snapshot. Note that because data from different processors depend on what atoms they currently own, and atoms migrate between processor, there is no guarantee that the same index will be used for the same info (e.g. a particular bond) in successive snapshots.

The c_ID and c_ID[I] attributes allow local vectors or arrays calculated by a compute to be output. The ID in the attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the compute that has been defined previously in the input script. See the compute command for details. There are computes for calculating local information such as indices, types, and energies for bonds and angles.

Note that computes which calculate global or per-atom quantities, as opposed to local quantities, cannot be output in a dump local command. Instead, global quantities can be output by the thermo_style custom command, and per-atom quantities can be output by the dump custom command.

If c_ID is used as a attribute, then the local vector calculated by the compute is printed. If c_ID[I] is used, then I must be in the range from 1-M, which will print the Ith column of the local array with M columns calculated by the compute. See the discussion above for how I can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively specify multiple values.

The f_ID and f_ID[I] attributes allow local vectors or arrays calculated by a fix to be output. The ID in the attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the fix that has been defined previously in the input script.

If f_ID is used as a attribute, then the local vector calculated by the fix is printed. If f_ID[I] is used, then I must be in the range from 1-M, which will print the Ith column of the local with M columns calculated by the fix. See the discussion above for how I can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively specify multiple values.

Here is an example of how to dump bond info for a system, including the distance and energy of each bond:

compute 1 all property/local batom1 batom2 btype
compute 2 all bond/local dist eng
dump 1 all local 1000 tmp.dump index c_1[1] c_1[2] c_1[3] c_2[1] c_2[2]

Attributes used as arguments to the grid and grid/vtk styles:

The attributes that begin with c_ID and f_ID both take colon-separated fields gname and dname. These refer to a grid name and data field name which is defined by the compute or fix. Note that a compute or fix can define one or more grids (of different sizes) and one or more data fields for each of those grids. The sizes of all grids output in a single dump grid command must be the same.

The c_ID:gname:dname and c_ID:gname:dname[I] attributes allow per-grid vectors or arrays calculated by a compute to be output. The ID in the attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the compute that has been defined previously in the input script.

If c_ID:gname:dname is used as a attribute, then the per-grid vector calculated by the compute is printed. If c_ID:gname:dname[I] is used, then I must be in the range from 1-M, which will print the Ith column of the per-grid array with M columns calculated by the compute. See the discussion above for how I can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively specify multiple values.

The f_ID:gname:dname and f_ID:gname:dname[I] attributes allow per-grid vectors or arrays calculated by a fix to be output. The ID in the attribute should be replaced by the actual ID of the fix that has been defined previously in the input script.

If f_ID:gname:dname is used as a attribute, then the per-grid vector calculated by the fix is printed. If f_ID:gname:dname[I] is used, then I must be in the range from 1-M, which will print the Ith column of the per-grid with M columns calculated by the fix. See the discussion above for how I can be specified with a wildcard asterisk to effectively specify multiple values.


To write gzipped dump files, you must either compile LAMMPS with the -DLAMMPS_GZIP option or use the styles from the COMPRESS package. See the Build settings page for details.

While a dump command is active (i.e., has not been stopped by using the undump command), no commands may be used that will change the timestep (e.g., reset_timestep). LAMMPS will terminate with an error otherwise.

The atom/gz, cfg/gz, custom/gz, and xyz/gz styles are part of the COMPRESS package. They are only enabled if LAMMPS was built with that package. See the Build package page for more info.

The xtc, dcd, and yaml styles are part of the EXTRA-DUMP package. They are only enabled if LAMMPS was built with that package. See the Build package page for more info.


The defaults for the image and movie styles are listed on the dump image page.