pair_style granular command
pair_style granular cutoff
cutoff = global cutoff (optional). See discussion below.
pair_style granular
pair_coeff * * hooke 1000.0 50.0 tangential linear_nohistory 1.0 0.4 damping mass_velocity
pair_style granular
pair_coeff * * hooke 1000.0 50.0 tangential linear_history 500.0 1.0 0.4 damping mass_velocity
pair_style granular
pair_coeff * * hertz 1000.0 50.0 tangential mindlin 1000.0 1.0 0.4 limit_damping
pair_style granular
pair_coeff * * hertz/material 1e8 0.3 0.3 tangential mindlin_rescale NULL 1.0 0.4 damping tsuji
pair_style granular
pair_coeff 1 * jkr 1000.0 500.0 0.3 10 tangential mindlin 800.0 1.0 0.5 rolling sds 500.0 200.0 0.5 twisting marshall
pair_coeff 2 2 hertz 200.0 100.0 tangential linear_history 300.0 1.0 0.1 rolling sds 200.0 100.0 0.1 twisting marshall
pair_style granular
pair_coeff 1 1 dmt 1000.0 50.0 0.3 0.0 tangential mindlin NULL 0.5 0.5 rolling sds 500.0 200.0 0.5 twisting marshall
pair_coeff 2 2 dmt 1000.0 50.0 0.3 10.0 tangential mindlin NULL 0.5 0.1 rolling sds 500.0 200.0 0.1 twisting marshall
pair_style granular
pair_coeff * * hertz 1000.0 50.0 tangential mindlin 1000.0 1.0 0.4 heat area 0.1
pair_style granular
pair_coeff * * mdr 5e6 0.4 1.9e5 2.0 0.5 0.5 tangential linear_history 940.0 0.0 0.7 rolling sds 2.7e5 0.0 0.6 damping none
The granular styles support a variety of options for the normal, tangential, rolling and twisting forces resulting from contact between two granular particles. This expands on the options offered by the pair gran/* pair styles. The total computed forces and torques are the sum of various models selected for the normal, tangential, rolling and twisting modes of motion.
All model choices and parameters are entered in the pair_coeff command, as described below. Unlike e.g. pair gran/hooke, coefficient values are not global, but can be set to different values for different combinations of particle types, as determined by the pair_coeff command. If the contact model choice is the same for two particle types, the mixing for the cross-coefficients can be carried out automatically. This is shown in the last example, where model choices are the same for type 1 - type 1 as for type 2 - type2 interactions, but coefficients are different. In this case, the mixed coefficients for type 1 - type 2 interactions can be determined from mixing rules discussed below. For additional flexibility, coefficients as well as model forms can vary between particle types, as shown in the fourth example: type 1 - type 1 interactions are based on a Johnson-Kendall-Roberts normal contact model and 2-2 interactions are based on a DMT cohesive model (see below). In that example, 1-1 and 2-2 interactions have different model forms, in which case mixing of coefficients cannot be determined, so 1-2 interactions must be explicitly defined via the pair_coeff 1 * command, otherwise an error would result.
The first required keyword for the pair_coeff command is the normal contact model. Currently supported options for normal contact models and their required arguments are:
hooke :
, (or )hertz :
, (or )hertz/material : E,
(or ),dmt : E,
(or ), ,jkr : E,
(or ), ,mdr :
, , , , ,
For the hooke model, the normal, elastic component of force acting on particle i due to contact with particle j is given by:
For the hertz model, the normal component of force is given by:
For the hertz/material model, the force is given by:
The dmt model corresponds to the (Derjaguin-Muller-Toporov) cohesive model, where the force is simply Hertz with an additional attractive cohesion term:
The jkr model is the (Johnson-Kendall-Roberts) model, where the force is computed as:
LAMMPS internally inverts the equation above to solve for a in terms
The mdr model is a mechanically-derived contact model designed to capture the contact response between adhesive elastic-plastic particles into large deformation. The theoretical foundations of the mdr model are detailed in the two-part series Zunker and Kamrin Part I and Zunker and Kamrin Part II. Further development and demonstrations of its application to industrially relevant powder compaction processes are presented in Zunker et al..
The model requires the following inputs:
1. Young’s modulus
: The Young’s modulus is commonly reported for various powders. 2. Poisson’s ratio
: The Poisson’s ratio is commonly reported for various powders. 3. Yield stress
: The yield stress is often known for powders composed of materials such as metals but may be unreported for ductile organic materials, in which case it can be treated as a free parameter. 4. Effective surface energy
: The effective surface energy for powder compaction applications is most easily determined through its relation to the more commonly reported critical stress intensity factor . 5. Critical confinement ratio
: The critical confinement ratio is a tunable parameter that determines when the bulk elastic response is triggered. Lower values of delay the onset of the bulk elastic response. 6. Coefficient of restitution
: The coefficient of restitution is a tunable parameter that controls damping in the normal direction.
The values for
The mdr model produces a nonlinear force-displacement response, therefore the
critical timestep
The mdr model requires some specific settings to function properly, please read the following text carefully to ensure all requirements are followed.
The atom_style must be set to sphere 1 to enable dynamic particle radii. The mdr model is designed to respect the incompressibility of plastic deformation and inherently tracks free surface displacements induced by all particle contacts. In practice, this means that all particles begin with an initial radius, however as compaction occurs and plastic deformation is accumulated, a new enlarged apparent radius is defined to ensure that that volume change due to plastic deformation is not lost. This apparent radius is stored as the atom radius meaning it is used for subsequent neighbor list builds and contact detection checks. The advantage of this is that multi-neighbor dependent effects such as formation of secondary contacts caused by radial expansion are captured by the mdr model. Setting atom_style sphere 1 ensures that updates to the particle radii are properly reflected throughout the simulation.
atom_style sphere 1
Newton’s third law must be set to off. This ensures that the neighbor lists are constructed properly for the topological penalty algorithm used to screen for non-physical contacts occurring through obstructing particles, an issue prevalent under large deformation conditions. For more information on this algorithm see Zunker et al..
newton off
The damping model must be set to none. The mdr model already has a built in damping model.
pair_coeff * * mdr 5e6 0.4 1.9e5 2 0.5 0.5 damping none
The definition of multiple mdr models in the pair_style is currently not supported. Similarly, the mdr model cannot be combined with a different normal model in the pair_style. Physically this means that only one homogeneous collection of particles governed by a single mdr model is allowed.
The mdr model currently only supports fix wall/gran/region, not
fix wall/gran. If the mdr model is specified for the pair_style
any fix wall/gran/region commands must also use the mdr model.
Additionally, the following mdr inputs must match between the
pair_style and fix wall/gran/region definitions:
The mdr model has a number of custom property/atom and pair/local definitions that can be called in the input file. The useful properties for visualization and analysis are described below.
In addition to contact forces the mdr model also tracks the following quantities for each particle: elastic volume change, average normal stress components, total surface area involved in contact, and individual contact areas. In the input script, these quantities are initialized by calling run 0 and can then be accessed using subsequent compute commands. The last compute command uses pair/local p13 to calculate the pairwise contact areas for each active contact in the group-ID. Due to the use of an apparent radius in the mdr model, the keyword/arg pair cutoff radius must be specified for pair/local to properly detect existing contacts.
run 0
compute ID group-ID property/atom d_Velas
compute ID group-ID property/atom d_sigmaxx
compute ID group-ID property/atom d_sigmayy
compute ID group-ID property/atom d_sigmazz
compute ID group-ID property/atom d_Acon1
compute ID group-ID pair/local p13 cutoff radius
The mdr model has two example input scripts within the examples/granular directory. The first is a die compaction simulation involving 200 particles named in.tableting.200. The second is a triaxial compaction simulation involving 12 particles named in.triaxial.compaction.12.
In addition, the normal force is augmented by a damping term of the following general form:
The optional damping keyword to the pair_coeff command followed by
a keyword determines the model form of the damping factor
If the damping keyword is not specified, the viscoelastic model is used by default.
For damping velocity, the normal damping is simply equal to the user-specified damping coefficient in the normal model:
For damping mass_velocity, the normal damping is given by:
The damping viscoelastic model is based on the viscoelastic treatment of (Brilliantov et al), where the normal damping is given by:
Here, a is the contact radius, given by
The tsuji model is based on the work of (Tsuji et al).
Here, the damping coefficient specified as part of the normal model is interpreted
as a restitution coefficient
The dimensionless coefficient of restitution
The coeff_restitution model is useful when a specific normal coefficient of
Since coeff_restitution accounts for the effective mass, effective radius, and pairwise overlaps (except when used with the hooke normal model) when calculating the damping coefficient, it accurately reproduces the specified coefficient of restitution for both monodisperse and polydisperse particle pairs. This damping model is not compatible with cohesive normal models such as JKR or DMT.
The total normal force is computed as the sum of the elastic and damping components:
The pair_coeff command also requires specification of the tangential contact model. The required keyword tangential is expected, followed by the model choice and associated parameters. Currently supported tangential model choices and their expected parameters are as follows:
linear_nohistory :
,linear_history :
, ,mindlin :
or NULL, ,mindlin/force :
or NULL, ,mindlin_rescale :
or NULL, ,mindlin_rescale/force :
or NULL, ,
For tangential linear_nohistory, a simple velocity-dependent Coulomb
friction criterion is used, which mimics the behavior of the pair
gran/hooke style. The tangential force
The tangential damping force
The tangential damping prefactor
The normal damping prefactor
The normal force value
For cohesive models such as jkr and dmt, the critical force is
adjusted so that the critical tangential force approaches
The remaining tangential options all use accumulated tangential displacement (i.e. contact history), except for the options mindlin/force and mindlin_rescale/force, that use accumulated tangential force instead, and are discussed further below. The accumulated tangential displacement is discussed in details below in the context of the linear_history option. The same treatment of the accumulated displacement applies to the other options as well.
For tangential linear_history, the tangential force is given by:
This accumulated tangential displacement must be adjusted to account
for changes in the frame of reference of the contacting pair of
particles during contact. This occurs due to the overall motion of the
contacting particles in a rigid-body-like fashion during the duration
of the contact. There are two modes of motion that are relevant: the
‘tumbling’ rotation of the contacting pair, which changes the
orientation of the plane in which tangential displacement occurs; and
‘spinning’ rotation of the contacting pair about the vector connecting
their centers of mass (
Furthermore, when the tangential force exceeds the critical force, the tangential displacement is re-scaled to match the value for the critical force (see Luding, equation 20 and related discussion):
The tangential force is added to the total normal force (elastic plus damping) to produce the total force on the particle. The tangential force also acts at the contact point (defined as the center of the overlap region) to induce a torque on each particle according to:
For tangential mindlin, the Mindlin no-slip solution
is used which differs from the linear_history option by an additional factor
The radius of the contact region
For tangential mindlin/force, the accumulated elastic tangential force characterizes the contact history, instead of the accumulated tangential displacement. This prevents the dependence of the tangential force on the normal overlap as noted above. The tangential force is given by:
The increment of the elastic component of the tangential force
The changes in frame of reference of the contacting pair of particles during
contact are accounted for by the same formula as above, replacing the
accumulated tangential displacement
The same rules as those described for mindlin apply regarding the tangential stiffness and mixing of the shear modulus for different particle types.
The mindlin_rescale option uses the same form as mindlin, but the
magnitude of the tangential displacement is re-scaled as the contact
unloads, i.e. if
For mindlin, a decrease in the tangential force already occurs as the
contact unloads, due to the dependence of the tangential force on the normal
force described above. By re-scaling
The mindlin_rescale/force option uses the same form as mindlin/force,
but the magnitude of the tangential elastic force is re-scaled as the contact
unloads, i.e. if
This approach provides a better approximation of the Mindlin-Deresiewicz laws and is more consistent than mindlin_rescale. See discussions in Thornton et al, 2013, particularly equation 18(b) of that work and associated discussion, and Agnolin and Roux, 2007, particularly Appendix A.
The optional rolling keyword enables rolling friction, which resists pure rolling motion of particles. The options currently supported are:
sds :
, ,
If the rolling keyword is not specified, the model defaults to none.
For rolling sds, rolling friction is computed via a spring-dashpot-slider, using a ‘pseudo-force’ formulation, as detailed by Luding. Unlike the formulation in Marshall, this allows for the required adjustment of rolling displacement due to changes in the frame of reference of the contacting pair. The rolling pseudo-force is computed analogously to the tangential force:
A Coulomb friction criterion truncates the rolling pseudo-force if it exceeds a critical value:
The rolling pseudo-force does not contribute to the total force on either particle (hence ‘pseudo’), but acts only to induce an equal and opposite torque on each particle, according to:
The optional twisting keyword enables twisting friction, which
resists rotation of two contacting particles about the vector
sds :
, ,marshall
If the twisting keyword is not specified, the model defaults to none.
For both twisting sds and twisting marshall, a history-dependent spring-dashpot-slider is used to compute the twisting torque. Because twisting displacement is a scalar, there is no need to adjust for changes in the frame of reference due to rotations of the particle pair. The formulation in Marshall therefore provides the most straightforward treatment:
Similar to the sliding and rolling displacement, the angular displacement is rescaled so that it corresponds to the critical value if the twisting torque exceeds this critical value:
For twisting sds, the coefficients
For twisting_marshall, the coefficients are expressed in terms of sliding friction coefficients, as discussed in Marshall (see equations 32 and 33 of that work):
Finally, the twisting torque on each particle is given by:
If two particles are moving away from each other while in contact, there is a possibility that the particles could experience an effective attractive force due to damping. If the optional limit_damping keyword is used, this option will zero out the normal component of the force if there is an effective attractive force. This keyword cannot be used with the JKR or DMT models.
The optional heat keyword enables heat conduction. The options currently supported are:
radius :
area :
If the heat keyword is not specified, the model defaults to none. All heat models calculate an additional pairwise quantity accessible by the single() function (described below) which is the heat conducted between the two particles.
For heat radius, the heat
For heat area, the heat
Note that the option none must either be used in all or none of of the pair_coeff calls. See fix heat/flow and fix property/atom for more information on this option.
The granular pair style can reproduce the behavior of the pair gran/* styles with the appropriate settings (some very minor differences can be expected due to corrections in displacement history frame-of-reference, and the application of the torque at the center of the contact rather than at each particle). The first example above is equivalent to pair gran/hooke 1000.0 NULL 50.0 50.0 0.4 1. The second example is equivalent to pair gran/hooke/history 1000.0 500.0 50.0 50.0 0.4 1. The third example is equivalent to pair gran/hertz/history 1000.0 500.0 50.0 50.0 0.4 1 limit_damping.
LAMMPS automatically sets pairwise cutoff values for pair_style granular based on particle radii (and in the case of jkr pull-off distances). In the vast majority of situations, this is adequate. However, a cutoff value can optionally be appended to the pair_style granular command to specify a global cutoff (i.e. a cutoff for all atom types). Additionally, the optional cutoff keyword can be passed to the pair_coeff command, followed by a cutoff value. This will set a pairwise cutoff for the atom types in the pair_coeff command. These options may be useful in some rare cases where the automatic cutoff determination is not sufficient, e.g. if particle diameters are being modified via the fix adapt command. In that case, the global cutoff specified as part of the pair_style granular command is applied to all atom types, unless it is overridden for a given atom type combination by the cutoff value specified in the pair coeff command. If cutoff is only specified in the pair coeff command and no global cutoff is appended to the pair_style granular command, then LAMMPS will use that cutoff for the specified atom type combination, and automatically set pairwise cutoffs for the remaining atom types.
Mixing, shift, table, tail correction, restart, rRESPA info
The pair_modify mix, shift, table, and tail options are not relevant for granular pair styles.
Mixing of coefficients is carried out using geometric averaging for
most quantities, e.g. if friction coefficient for type 1-type 1
interactions is set to
If the i-j coefficients
These pair styles write their information to binary restart files, so a pair_style command does not need to be specified in an input script that reads a restart file.
These pair styles can only be used via the pair keyword of the run_style respa command. They do not support the inner, middle, outer keywords.
The single() function of these pair styles returns 0.0 for the energy of a pairwise interaction, since energy is not conserved in these dissipative potentials. It also returns only the normal component of the pairwise interaction force. However, the single() function also calculates at least 13 extra pairwise quantities. The first 3 are the components of the tangential force between particles I and J, acting on particle I. The fourth is the magnitude of this tangential force. The next 3 (5-7) are the components of the rolling torque acting on particle I. The next entry (8) is the magnitude of the rolling torque. The next entry (9) is the magnitude of the twisting torque acting about the vector connecting the two particle centers. The next 3 (10-12) are the components of the vector connecting the centers of the two particles (x_I - x_J). If a granular sub-model calculates additional contact information (e.g. the heat sub-models calculate the amount of heat exchanged), these quantities are appended to the end of this list. First, any extra values from the normal sub-model are appended followed by the damping, tangential, rolling, twisting, then heat models. See the descriptions of specific granular sub-models above for information on any extra quantities. If two or more models are defined by pair coefficients, the size of the array is set by the maximum number of extra quantities in a model but the order of quantities is determined by each model’s specific set of sub-models. Any unused quantities are zeroed.
These extra quantities can be accessed by the compute pair/local command, as p1, p2, …, p12.
This pair style is part of the GRANULAR package. It is only enabled if LAMMPS was built with that package. See the Build package page for more info.
This pair style requires that atoms store per-particle radius, torque, and angular velocity (omega) as defined by the atom_style sphere.
This pair style requires you to use the comm_modify vel yes command so that velocities are stored by ghost atoms.
This pair style will not restart exactly when using the read_restart command, though it should provide statistically similar results. This is because the forces it computes depend on atom velocities and the atom velocities have been propagated half a timestep between the force computation and when the restart is written, due to using Velocity Verlet time integration. See the read_restart command for more details.
Accumulated values for individual contacts are saved to restart files but are not saved to data files. Therefore, forces may differ significantly when a system is reloaded using the read_data command.
For the pair_coeff settings: damping viscoelastic, rolling none, twisting none.
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