fix mdi/qmmm command
fix ID group-ID mdi/qmmm mode keyword value(s) keyword value(s) ...
ID, group-ID are documented in fix command
mdi/qmmm = style name of this fix command
mode = direct or potential
zero or more keyword/value pairs may be appended
keyword = virial or add or every or connect or elements
virial args = yes or no yes = request virial tensor from server code no = do not request virial tensor from server code connect args = yes or no yes = perform a one-time connection to the MDI engine code no = do not perform the connection operation elements args = N_1 N_2 ... N_ntypes N_1,N_2,...N_ntypes = chemical symbol for each of ntypes LAMMPS atom types
fix 1 all mdi/qmmm direct
fix 1 all mdi/qmmm potential virial yes
fix 1 all mdi/qmmm potential virial yes elements 13 29
Added in version 28Mar2023.
This command enables LAMMPS to act as a client with another server code to perform a coupled QM/MM (quantum-mechanics/molecular-mechanics) simulation. LAMMPS will perform classical MD (molecular mechanics or MM) for the (typically larger) MM portion of the system. A quantum mechanics code will calculate quantum energy and forces for the QM portion of the system. The two codes work together to calculate the energy and forces due to the cross interactions between QM and MM atoms. The QM server code must support use of the MDI Library as explained below.
The partitioning of the system between QM and MM atoms is as follows. Atoms in the specified group are QM atoms; the remaining atoms are MM atoms. The input script should thus define this partitioning. See additional information below about other requirements for an input script to use this fix and perform a QM/MM simulation.
The code coupling performed by this command is done via the MDI Library. LAMMPS runs as an MDI driver (client), and sends MDI commands to an external MDI engine code (server), in this case a QM code which has support for MDI. See the Howto mdi page for more information about how LAMMPS can operate as either an MDI driver or engine.
The examples/QUANTUM
directory has sub-directories with example
input scripts using this fix in tandem with different QM codes. The
README files in the sub-directories explain how to download and build
the various QM codes. They also explain how to launch LAMMPS and the QM
code so that they communicate via the MDI library using either MPI or
sockets. Any QM code that supports MDI could be used in addition to
those discussed in the sub-directories. See the Howto mdi page for a current list (March 2022) of such QM codes.
Note that an engine code can support MDI in either or both of two modes.
It can be used as a stand-alone code, launched at the same time as
LAMMPS. Or it can be used as a plugin library, which LAMMPS loads. See
the mdi plugin command for how to trigger LAMMPS to load a
plugin library. The examples/QUANTUM
sub-directory README files
explains how to launch the two codes in either mode.
The mode setting determines which QM/MM coupling algorithm is used.
LAMMPS currently supports direct and potential algorithms, based
on the mode setting. Both algorithms should give reasonably
accurate results, but some QM codes support only one of the two modes.
E.g. in the examples/QUANTUM
directory, PySCF supports only direct,
NWChem supports only potential, and LATTE currently supports
neither, so it cannot be used for QM/MM simulations using this fix.
The direct option passes the coordinates and charges of each MM atom to the quantum code, in addition to the coordinates of each QM atom. The quantum code returns forces on each QM atom as well as forces on each MM atom. The latter is effectively the force on MM atoms due to the QM atoms.
The input script for performing a direct mode QM/MM simulation should do the following:
delete all bonds (angles, dihedrals, etc) between QM atoms
set the charge on each QM atom to zero
define no bonds (angles, dihedrals, etc) which involve both QM and MM atoms
define a force field (pair, bonds, angles, optional kspace) for the entire system
The first two bullet can be performed using the delete_bonds and set commands.
The third bullet is required to have a consistent model, but is not checked by LAMMPS.
The fourth bullet implies that non-bonded non-Coulombic interactions (e.g. van der Waals) between QM/QM and QM/MM pairs of atoms are computed by LAMMPS.
See the examples/QUANTUM/PySCF/in.*
files for examples of input
scripts for QM/MM simulations using the direct mode.
The potential option passes the coordinates of each QM atom and a Coulomb potential for each QM atom to the quantum code. The latter is calculated by performing a Coulombics-only calculation for the entire system, subtracting all QM/QM pairwise Coulombic terms, and dividing the Coulomb energy on each QM atom by the charge of the QM atom. The potential value represents the Coulombic influence of all the MM atoms on each QM atom.
The quantum code returns forces and charge on each QM atom. The new charges on the QM atom are used to re-calculate the MM force field, resulting in altered forces on the MM atoms.
The input script for performing a potential mode QM/MM simulation should do the following:
delete all bonds (angles, dihedrals, etc) between QM atoms
define a hybrid pair style which includes a Coulomb-only pair sub-style
define no bonds (angles, dihedrals, etc) which involve both QM and MM atoms
define a force field (pair, bonds, angles, optional kspace) for the entire system
The first operation can be performed using the delete_bonds command. See the examples/QUANTUM/NWChem/in.*
for examples of how to do this.
The second operation is necessary so that this fix can calculate the Coulomb potential for the QM atoms.
The third bullet is required to have a consistent model, but is not checked by LAMMPS.
The fourth bullet implies that non-bonded non-Coulombic interactions (e.g. van der Waals) between QM/QM and QM/MM pairs of atoms are computed by LAMMPS. However, some QM codes do not want the MM code (LAMMPS) to compute QM/QM van der Waals interactions. NWChem is an example. In this case, the coefficients for those interactions need to be turned off, which typically requires the atom types for the QM atoms be different than those for the MM atoms.
See the examples/QUANTUM/NWChem/in.*
files for examples of input
scripts for QM/MM simulations using the potential mode. Those scripts
also illustrate how to turn off QM/QM van der Waals interactions.
The virial keyword setting of yes or no determines whether LAMMPS will request the QM code to also compute and return the QM contribution to a stress tensor for the system which LAMMPS will convert to a 6-element symmetric virial tensor.
The connect keyword determines whether this fix performs a one-time connection to the QM code. The default is yes. The only time a no is needed is if this command is used multiple times in an input script. E.g. if it used inside a loop which also uses the clear command to destroy the system (including this fix). As example would be a script which loop over a series of independent QM/MM simulations, e.g. each with their own data file. In this use case connect no could be used along with the mdi connect and exit command to one-time initiate/terminate the connection outside the loop.
The elements keyword allows specification of what element each LAMMPS atom type corresponds to. This is specified by the chemical symbol of the element, e.g. C or Al or Si. A symbol must be specified for each of the ntypes LAMMPS atom types. Multiple LAMMPS types can represent the same element. Ntypes is typically specified via the create_box command or in the data file read by the read_data command.
If this keyword is specified, then this fix will send the MDI “>ELEMENTS” command to the engine, to insure the two codes are consistent in their definition of atomic species. If this keyword is not specified, then this fix will send the MDI >TYPES command to the engine. This is fine if both the LAMMPS driver and the MDI engine are initialized so that the atom type values are consistent in both codes.
Restart, fix_modify, output, run start/stop, minimize info
No information about this fix is written to binary restart files.
The fix_modify energy option is supported by this fix to add the potential energy computed by the QM code to the global potential energy of the system as part of thermodynamic output. The default setting for this fix is fix_modify energy yes.
The fix_modify virial option is supported by this fix to add the contribution computed by the QM code to the global pressure of the system as part of thermodynamic output. The default setting for this fix is fix_modify virial yes.
This fix computes a global scalar which can be accessed by various output commands. The scalar is the energy returned by the QM code. The scalar value calculated by this fix is “extensive”.
This fix also computes a global vector with of length 6 which contains the symmetric virial tensor values returned by the QM code. It can likewise be accessed by various output commands.
The ordering of values in the symmetric virial tensor is as follows: vxx, vyy, vzz, vxy, vxz, vyz. The values will be in pressure units.
This fix also computes a peratom array with 3 columns which contains the peratom forces returned by the QM code. It can likewise be accessed by various output commands. Note that for direct mode this will be quantum forces on both QM and MM atoms. For potential mode it will only be quantum forces on QM atoms; the forces for MM atoms will be zero.
No parameter of this fix can be used with the start/stop keywords of the run command.
The forces computed by the QM code are used during an energy minimization, invoked by the minimize command.
If you want the potential energy associated with the QM forces to be included in the total potential energy of the system (the quantity being minimized), you MUST not disable the fix_modify energy option for this fix.
This command is part of the MDI package. It is only enabled if LAMMPS was built with that package. See the Build package page for more info.
To use LAMMPS as an MDI driver in conjunction with other MDI-enabled codes (MD or QM codes), the units command should be used to specify real or metal units. This will ensure the correct unit conversions between LAMMPS and MDI units. The other code will also perform similar unit conversions into its preferred units.
If this fix is used in conjunction with a QM code that does not support
periodic boundary conditions (more specifically, a QM code that does not
support the >CELL
MDI command), the LAMMPS system must be fully
non-periodic. I.e. no dimension of the system can be periodic.
The default for the optional keywords are virial = no and connect = yes.