fix phonon command
fix ID group-ID phonon N Noutput Nwait map_file prefix keyword values ...
ID, group-ID are documented in fix command
phonon = style name of this fix command
N = measure the Green’s function every this many timesteps
Noutput = output the dynamical matrix every this many measurements
Nwait = wait this many timesteps before measuring
map_file = file or GAMMA
file is the file that contains the mapping info between atom ID and the lattice indices.
GAMMA flags to treate the whole simulation box as a unit cell, so that the mapping info can be generated internally. In this case, dynamical matrix at only the gamma-point will/can be evaluated.
prefix = prefix for output files
one or none keyword/value pairs may be appended
keyword = sysdim or nasr
sysdim value = d d = dimension of the system, usually the same as the MD model dimension nasr value = n n = number of iterations to enforce the acoustic sum rule
fix 1 all phonon 20 5000 200000 LJ1D sysdim 1
fix 1 all phonon 20 5000 200000 EAM3D
fix 1 all phonon 10 5000 500000 GAMMA EAM0D nasr 100
Calculate the dynamical matrix from molecular dynamics simulations based on fluctuation-dissipation theory for a group of atoms.
Consider a crystal with
Based on fluctuation-dissipation theory, the force constant coefficients of the system in reciprocal space are given by (Campana , Kong)
is the
Once the force constant matrix is known, the dynamical matrix
whose eigenvalues are exactly the phonon frequencies at
This fix uses positions of atoms in the specified group and calculates
two-point correlations. To achieve this. the positions of the atoms
are examined every Nevery steps and are Fourier-transformed into
reciprocal space, where the averaging process and correlation
computation is then done. After every Noutput measurements, the
A detailed description of this method can be found in (Kong2011).
The sysdim keyword is optional. If specified with a value smaller than the dimensionality of the LAMMPS simulation, its value is used for the dynamical matrix calculation. For example, using LAMMPS to model a 2D or 3D system, the phonon dispersion of a 1D atomic chain can be computed using sysdim = 1.
The nasr keyword is optional. An iterative procedure is employed to
enforce the acoustic sum rule on
The map_file contains the mapping information between the lattice indices and the atom IDs, which tells the code which atom sits at which lattice point; the lattice indices start from 0. An auxiliary code, latgen, can be employed to generate the compatible map file for various crystals.
In case one simulates a non-periodic system, where the whole simulation box is treated as a unit cell, one can set map_file as GAMMA, so that the mapping info will be generated internally and a file is not needed. In this case, the dynamical matrix at only the gamma-point will/can be evaluated. Please keep in mind that fix-phonon is designed for cyrstals, it will be inefficient and even degrade the performance of LAMMPS in case the unit cell is too large.
The calculated dynamical matrix elements are written out in energy/distance^2/mass units. The coordinates for q points in the log file is in the units of the basis vectors of the corresponding reciprocal lattice.
Restart, fix_modify, output, run start/stop, minimize info
No information about this fix is written to binary restart files.
The fix_modify temp option is supported by this fix. You can use it to change the temperature compute from thermo_temp to the one that reflects the true temperature of atoms in the group.
No global scalar or vector or per-atom quantities are stored by this fix for access by various output commands.
Instead, this fix outputs its initialization information (including mapping information) and the calculated dynamical matrices to the file prefix.log, with the specified prefix. The dynamical matrices are also written to files prefix.bin.timestep in binary format. These can be read by the post-processing tool in tools/phonon to compute the phonon density of states and/or phonon dispersion curves.
No parameter of this fix can be used with the start/stop keywords of the run command.
This fix is not invoked during energy minimization.
This fix assumes a crystalline system with periodical lattice. The temperature of the system should not exceed the melting temperature to keep the system in its solid state.
This fix is part of the PHONON package. It is only enabled if LAMMPS was built with that package. This fix also requires LAMMPS to be built with 3d-FFT support which is included in the KSPACE package. See the Build package page for more info.
The option defaults are sysdim = the same dimension as specified by the dimension command, and nasr = 20.
(Campana) C. Campana and M. H. Muser, Practical Green’s function approach to the simulation of elastic semi-infinite solids, Phys. Rev. B [74], 075420 (2006)
(Kong) L.T. Kong, G. Bartels, C. Campana, C. Denniston, and Martin H. Muser, Implementation of Green’s function molecular dynamics: An extension to LAMMPS, Computer Physics Communications [180](6):1004-1010 (2009).
L.T. Kong, C. Denniston, and Martin H. Muser, An improved version of the Green’s function molecular dynamics method, Computer Physics Communications [182](2):540-541 (2011).
(Kong2011) L.T. Kong, Phonon dispersion measured directly from molecular dynamics simulations, Computer Physics Communications [182](10):2201-2207, (2011).